BSBA Marketing Management 4-B August 1, 2014
The SPADE Analysis of Toyota Motor Corporation
Situation (current)
Toyota has globalized their company and has expanded to more than 170 countries such as Japan and the United States. They also put an "ecotechnologies" division together and developed a "hybrid electric-combustion" automobile. Management’s efforts are all not forgotten. They continued leading their company in offering environmentally responsible products will continue to be a goal.
With more than 9 million cars covered under its latest recall, Toyota's management is certainly under the microscope. In fact, Toyota is facing both criminal and Congressional probes into its safety problem.
Some of their cars were reported by their customers as unsafe one.
Because of the said unsafetiness of their cars, Toyota faced a mass recall. Many of their customers complained and also rate them as unsafe and not trusted car company. Many are disappointed. They didn't control the situations and the outcomes of their plans. They didn't implement also their ethics in a correct way. In addition, they were always focusing on the ethical standards or they are toward their customer relationship rather than focusing on the four functions of management- planning, organizing, leading and controlling and that results in poor quality of safeties through their product.
Analysis (SWOT and PESTEL)
*The two good philosophies of Toyota production system- "Daily improvements" and "Good thinking. Good products". *The globalization of their company and expanded to more than 170 countries such as Japan and United States. *They are having such responsive customers. *They also having a good guiding