• Total revenue: 226,106 billion USD
• Employees: 333,498 (2013)
• Sales of 8,871,000 automobiles (2013)
Theory – Growth Strategies Joint Venture
An associa3on of two or more individuals or companies engaged in a solitary business enterprise for profit without actual partnership or incorpora3on. (K.Harrigan, 1986)
Strategic Alliance
Agreements among firms in which each commits resources to achieve a common set of objec3ves. (W. Chang & J Hsin, 2006)
Strategy of producing products or services in one country and […] distribu3ng them to customers located in other countries. (S. Cavusgil, G. Knight & J. Riesenberger, 2013)
Theory – Growth Strategies (cont.) Product Development The crea3on of products with new or different characteris3cs that offer new or addi3onal benefits to the customer. (K. Ulrich & S. Eppinger, 2004)
The distribu3on of new products in new markets. (J. Byrd, K. Hickman & H. Hunter, 1997
Acquisi4on Direct investment to purchase an exis3ng company or facility. (S. Cavusgil, G. Knight & J. Riesenberger, 2013)
Toyota – Growth Strategies
References: Co. (1995-‐2014). (2004) Product