Particulars Page no. 1.0) Introduction 2.1) Company History 2.2) Aim 2.3) Objectives 2.4) Organizational chart 2.0) Problem Identification 3.5) Quantitative
2.1.1) Quality and design problem
2.1.2) Design problem
2.1.3) Welding problem
2.1.4) stalling problem
2.2) Quantitative problem
2.2.1) production problem 2.2.2) Recession problem
2.2.3) Accelerated
References: 1) Schniederjans,.John R.Olson(1999) Advanced topics in Just in time. 2) Robert C (2005) Improving health care using Toyota lean production method. 3) Jane Marcean (1992) Reworking the world: oganisations, technologies and cultures in competitive perspectives. 4) Harold Kerzer (2006) Project management: A system to planning, scheduling and controlling 5) Available at accessed on 09-01-10