1.0 Company Description The Toyota Company is a leader in the car manufacture, assembly and distribution the world over. A very efficient management style that the company uses has been one of the reasons for the firm’s good performance. There are many other salient factors that have made the company achieve the niche of market leader. The market structure the company operates in can not be definitely stated. Some may consider it to be a monopoly. This is due to the fact that the company is a dominant market player in car exportation. In fact, its differentiation strategy has made it enjoy an almost monopolistic presence especially in the developing nations of the world. On the other hand, the market structure can be seen as an oligopoly. This is due to the fact that there are other key players like GM who are peer competitors. Toyota is keen to see what these competitors are doing and make sure it reacts to their actions in a way that will guarantee its market leadership.
2.0 Strategic Focus and Plan
There are three aspects of the existing corporate strategy that are developed in relation to their overall impacts caused to the marketing plan of Toyota Company. These are;
1 2.1 Mission Statement of the Company.
Toyota seeks to create a more prosperous society through automotive manufacturing (Hiroshu, 2003). Therefore, the Company is aimed at achieving a stable and long-term growth in future, and this is supposed to be in synchronization with a number of factors: the significant environment, global economy, local communities served, and the Internal Environment of stakeholders
2.2 The Company’s Goals The company has committed itself to offering of hybrid alternatives for every model that is sold in the market. This is aimed at enabling the Company to make a total sale of 1 million hybrid vehicles within a year, and this goal has been
References: Chamberlin, P. (2009). Customer service complaint handling. New York: The Gurdian. Retrieved October 7, 2010 from Dobni, B Hiroshu O. (2003). Chairman’s message. Retrieved September 30th 2010, from the Toyota company website. Kirrane, D Lancaster, G., & Reynolds, P. (2005). Management of marketing. Oxford: Elsevier. Retrieved October 7, 2010 from Lascelles, D Levitt, T. (1975). Marketing myopia. Harvard business review , 26-40. Retrieved October 7, 2010 from Mullins, J., Walker, J Porter, M. (1985). Competitive advantage. New York: The Free Press. Retrieved October 7, 2010 from Porter, M Shaffer, J. (2003). Communicating for business results: how to choose and execute communication projects that dramatically help company. Journal of employee communication management , 34-36. Thomas, J. G. (2001). Business planning: long range and strategic management. Dublin: Black Hall Publishers Ltd. Retrieved October 7, 2010 from