Soon, as sure as gravity, reality will eventually kick in, and you’ll realize the portfolio you put together in college may need some tweaking, perhaps, even a complete overhaul. Yes, I know, your knuckles may be hurting by now, but don’t stop knocking on those doors because they are about to open.
The following 10 Amazing Portfolio Tips should help you put a little more bait on the hook and a bit more gleam on your polypropylene.
Tip #1:
Make sure you’re connected to someone high up in the toy industry. Well, that about does it. Follow Tip #1 and you are good as gold.
Tip # 2: …show more content…
Well, that’s too bad. Now, you’ll have to work harder to get one of those remaining job openings. Don’t worry, my friend, the mighty portfolio is the great equalizer that opens doors regardless of one’s skin color, background or social standing.
If you are good—really good, companies will make room for you!
So, Tip #2 is to work harder than your competition. Work harder, go farther than they are willing to go, and never, ever, give up. Giving up is simply not an option. My Russian design professor would always say over and over, as he stared intently into the distance, “steel bends but doesn’t break.” He had a really cool accent and was built like Vin Diesel so that quote was very motivational.
Actually, steel does break at a certain pressure point but I never mentioned that to him because, like I said, he looked like Vin Diesel. What’s important is you must be as tough as steel. They may bend you but don’t ever let them break you. It doesn’t matter where you come from—it only matters where you are