Villages- Backbone of our Country.
Mahatma Gandhi once said “if you want to see India, see the villages. Near about 70% of population lives in the villages. India is a land of villages. The name itself brings in a lot of happiness. The place where we can smell the land, we can greenery all around and peace far away from the chaos and hustle life of cities. Village is the place, our daily rice and wheat comes from. It is very true to say that the prosperity of our nation depends upon the prosperity of our villages. Before independence Indian villages were completely backward. Lack of education, unemployment, child marriages, sati, dovery, violence against women and people were full of superstations. But ever since independence Indian villages have changed a lot. The recent picture of our villages are very different from what it used to be. Most of the houses have brick walls and cement concrete roofs. The mind set as well as the style of the people of our villages has changed rapidly. The government of India has launched many ‘gram vikas yojanas’ for the development of the ruler areas. Schools, colleges, banks, hospitals, libraries etc. have been opened in the remote areas of our villages. Government has also developed small scale industries and cottage industries based on agricultural products. This leads to regular employment and speedy source of income. Our country is shining in many felids like sports, business, politics and many more, but the world recognizes India for its diverse culture. The Barefoot is a college in India which trains impoverished women to become solar engineers. They are selecting women from villages and poor families’ .Tilonia is a village in Ajmer district in Rajasthan. It’s the home of NGO. The Barefoot College was found by Bunker Roy. Since it was founded this village became a model for all villages for economic and social development. The barefoot solutions are solar electrification, clean water,