Within Australia, the majority of adults are eligible to vote for the national government every three years. Because Australia is considered a ‘free’ country the voting population has the right to use their vote how they please. Many, however, abuse or even throw away their vote due to political disinterest or in an attempt to overthrow a certain political party.
Task 2
With the advances of technology flexible learning is fast becoming one of the most equitable ways to achieve a higher education outside of standard education institutes. It offers external students the opportunity to study in a manner that is convenient to themselves rather than the educational institution. Collis and Moonen (2002, p. 9) have stated that it is not only students who want flexible learning but also educational institutions and their competitors as well as technology specialists. Now with the aid of technology, flexible learning is becoming easier for educational institutions to deliver their courses to external students. For some learners this is very convenient as they are able to obtain their goals of a higher education without the pressure of attending a campus. These external learners are no longer being disadvantaged by their geographical location. Because both external students and educational institutions desire the positive push for flexible learning it will only improve with time as technology becomes more advanced and easier to employ.
Task 3
The social protection approach to social issues views the needs of the community and the individual’s responsibility to society for the common good, as taking priority and of more importance than the rights of the individual. Individuals are viewed as social creatures embedded in human relations, who cannot exist outside of social groups and society (Epstein 1996; Avnon & Avner De-Shalit 1999). According to social protection advocates, individuals are born into and grow up in a society, in which they are ‘endowed with a