Indian Operations are ranked number one for the past 3 years. It delivers an average of 1 million pizzas per day. Over the last 2 years, they have opened stores in 15 new cities. Currently it operates through 465 stores in 105 cities.
Product offered at Domino’s are: Pizzas, Pastas, Breadsticks, Cheese dips, Beverages, Chocolava.
The company operates in three segments: domestic stores, domestic supply chain and international. * Domestic Stores uses its company-owned stores as a testing ground for new products and technologies which may then be passed onto franchisees. It generates income from company-owned stores in the form of store income.
* Domestic Supply chain: vertically integrated supply chain. Automatically delivery of raw materials cut out a lot of the “back-of-store” activities. It helps in keeping down food costs.
PRODUCTION: (Purchasing and ordering)
Procurement of raw materials: Raw materials like wheat, baby corn, tomatoes, and spices are got, out of which wheat is bought from Jalandhar and then sent to the commissaries in refrigerated trucks. There are 4 commissaries (regional centralized facilities).The commissaries functioning in India are at Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Mumbai. HUB AND SPOKE MODEL with commissaries as hubs.
The following ingredients are purchased from the corresponding places in order to maintain the standard quality all over the country: ITEM | PLACE | Wheat | Jalandhar | Cheese | Kamal, Haryana | Tomatoes |