School of Business
Bachelor of Management
Total Quality Management
Group Project
Project Member Alice Catherine Sicilia Bexin
1. Summary-----------------------------------------------------------------3
2. Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------3
3. Background of Study--------------------------------------------------3
4. Methods------------------------------------------------------------------3
5. Results and Analysis--------------------------------------------------4
a) Detailed view of the Survey
b) Overview of Survey
c) The Manager’s Point of View
6. Conclusions---------------------------------------------------------------8
7. References----------------------------------------------------------------9
8. Group Contribution Sheet--------------------------------------------10
This document focuses on analyzing total quality management implementation involved in City University of Macau. The format of this document is listed as following:
Background of Study
Results and Analysis
Founded in 1981, the University of East Asia has become the first official university, set up by the Chinese people in Macao in its over 400 years of history. The University of East Asia was restructured in 1988 to become the public University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute and the privately-owned East Asia Open Institute (Macau), which was a joint venture of the Research Institute and Open Institute of the former University of East Asia. The Asia International Open University (Macau) was officially renamed City University of Macau in February 2011.
City University of Macau is characterized by a history of 30 years with a population of more than 7,000
References: 1. City University of Macau Website 2. Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality Author: D.L. Goetsch, S.B. David