An Approach towards Good Governance
*Uzma Akbar **Akbar S. Awan
*FOUNDATION University Institute of Management and Computer Sciences
Newlalazar, Rawalpindi.
**Principle WAH Engineering College, University of WAH
WAH Cantt,
1. Introduction
The federal government of Pakistan (GOP) is presently organized into 48 divisions, 173 attached departments and 203 autonomous/semi-autonomous bodies (including public corporations, public sector banks and other public sector organizations). In addition to this, it also employs a military force of 0.65 million. It spends billion of rupees, and directly or indirectly, accounts for major part of our national economy. The GOP executes its non-defense related constitutional responsibilities through some 450,000 civil servants. These are further spread through 17,700 civil servants organized in federal secretariat, 113,000 civil servants in federal attached departments and subordinate offices, 122,500 employees of Pakistan Railway and 196,800 employees in the autonomous bodies, public corporations and financial institutions.[1]
Our public sector departments have created enormous financial burden on our limited national exchequer. They still adhere to obsolete management practices which have been abandoned by most of the civilized countries. Leaving side a few organizations, our public sector is not thinking to improve the quality of services, whereas the crushing national debt calls for urgent cuts in cost of public functionaries. Poor management in federal government has serious consequences. Money is wasted, programs do not work, and Projects do not start or remain uncompleted for many years. That is why Pakistani customers see and observe but cannot complain. All the complaints remain unnoticed; all suggestions for improvement never get any response. Inside the government as well bad management stifles the morale of internal customer and system over there
Bibliography: 1. Tichey, N. (1983). Managing Strategic Change. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Mathew, S. (1973). "Total Quality Management in the Industrial Sector," National Productivity Review. 3. Hill Stephen, (1991). "Why Quality Circles failed but Total Quality management might succeed." British journal of industrial relations.