The quality statement include the vision statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement. Once established, they are occasionally reviewed and updated. They are part of the strategic planning process, which includes goal and objectives.
The use of the four statements varies considerably from one organization to another organization. As a matter of fact, small organization may use only the quality policy statement. In addition, they may be considerable overlap or duplication among statements.
The quality statements or a portion thereof may be included on employee badges. They should be developed with input from all personnel.
The vision statement is a declaration of what an organization should look like five to ten years in the future. It is a realistic picture of what it wants to become and what is possible. The statement is short and consists of a few sentence.
Sometimes the vision becomes deeply shared within the organization, such as: IBM’s Services; Apple’s Computing for the masse; and the Polaroid’s instant photography. These shared vision usually take time to emerge, according to Arthur R. Tenner and Irving J. Detoco.
The mission statement answers the following questions: who we are; who are the customers; what we do; and how we do it. This statement I usually one paragraph or less in length, is easy to understand, and describes the function of the organization. It provides a crystal clear statement of purpose for employees, customers and suppliers.
The quality is a guide for everybody in the organization as to how they should provide products and services to the customer.
It should be written by the CEO with feedback from the employees and be approved by the quality council.
Characteristic of Quality Policy Statement:
1. Quality is first among equals.
2. Meet the needs of the internal and external customer.
3. Equal or exceed the competition.