This is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium “Chlamydia trachomatis”. The infection causes the inner surface of the eyelids to become rough leading to pain in the eye, breakdown of the cornea and possible blindness. Untreated, repeated trachoma infections result in entropion - a painful form of permanent blindness when the eyelids turn inward, causing the eyelashes to scratch the cornea. Children are the most susceptible to infection due to their tendency to easily get dirty, but the blinding effects or more severe symptoms are often not felt until adulthood. This disease affects around 80 million people globally with 2.2 million visually impaired and 1.2 completely blind. In some places as many as 60% to 90% of the children
This is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium “Chlamydia trachomatis”. The infection causes the inner surface of the eyelids to become rough leading to pain in the eye, breakdown of the cornea and possible blindness. Untreated, repeated trachoma infections result in entropion - a painful form of permanent blindness when the eyelids turn inward, causing the eyelashes to scratch the cornea. Children are the most susceptible to infection due to their tendency to easily get dirty, but the blinding effects or more severe symptoms are often not felt until adulthood. This disease affects around 80 million people globally with 2.2 million visually impaired and 1.2 completely blind. In some places as many as 60% to 90% of the children