“The Lottery” is a dark story about a small town that continues to practice a bizarre superstition only because it is a tradition. Everyone in the town picks a small piece of paper out of a beaten, …show more content…
The fellow villagers will stone to death the person with the paper with the black dot. It does not matter if the victim is innocent or guilty, or a man, woman or child. In this story, it is chilling is that the town’s adults and children willingly and enthusiastically participate in this pointless murder every year. Everyone feels powerless to change the system, whether it is by changing the black box in which the papers are collected or by actually stopping the killings. However, no one actually thinks of changing the killings. At the beginning of the story when the reader does not know what the lottery is, the village seems nice and innocent. “Bobby Martin ducked under his mother's grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones.” The villagers do not know much about the origin or purpose of the