Flemming okeke
Period 5
Megan Taylor Meier was an American teenager from Dardenne Prairie, Missouri, who committed suicide by hanging three weeks before her fourteenth birthday. A year later, Meier's parents prompted an investigation into the matter and her suicide was attributed to cyber-bullying through the social networking website MySpace. Cyber bullying is the Harassment of someone online. Cyber bulling causes depression, anxiety, and unfortunately suicide in many young teens. It can lead to negative effects in teens making it a serious problem that must be stopped. Cyber bullying is a leading cause of damage to youths, because it is more harmful than any other type of bullying, in it involves social websites, text messaging, and social groups. Cyber bullying is a serious problem in American youths.”Cyber bullying stems from the traditional form of bulling because the same school yard bully can now take his harassment online where almost everyone can see it.”[Shock 22-28]Cyber bullying is just an extended form of traditional bullying online. Bulling doesn’t end once the victim is in a safe environment, it often continues through the web.”About 45 million American kids age 10-17 are currently estimated to be spending hours every day on their computers or phones. With a click of a button, they can email rumors to recipients for instant viewing, permanently damaging their peers reputation and social life.’’[Simmons 1-1]So, many kid a connected to the internet that they can target anyone at anytime, cyber bullying everywhere.”About a third of all reports of cyber bullying involve “distressing harassment.”Distress steaming from cyber bullying victimization can lead to negative effects similar to offline bulling such as depression, Anxiety, and having negative social views of themselves.’’[Shock 22-28] Cyber bullying doesn’t stop once the person is offline it carries on it the person’s emotions and can lead to