that it might be something like is was before. Some wish to keep their cultures and traditions sacred and unaltered by 'treasuring'...'the recent past', simultaneously blinding themselves from being open to new traditions; as in the case of Old James. This leaves him to feel isolated, having no place to re establish his roots, stifling further growth. Old James is malcontented that Young James, disparate from his family, will not settle his roots in Ettrick Valley; 'go[ing] on and not remember[ing] a thing of Scotland'. Young James, and those who follow him will have not emotional affiliation with Scotland, simply, knowing that it is the place of his ancestors orirgons. Like many others, tradition and culture of those gone before is lost, only to forge new ones, and a new foundation and a different sense of belonging.
that it might be something like is was before. Some wish to keep their cultures and traditions sacred and unaltered by 'treasuring'...'the recent past', simultaneously blinding themselves from being open to new traditions; as in the case of Old James. This leaves him to feel isolated, having no place to re establish his roots, stifling further growth. Old James is malcontented that Young James, disparate from his family, will not settle his roots in Ettrick Valley; 'go[ing] on and not remember[ing] a thing of Scotland'. Young James, and those who follow him will have not emotional affiliation with Scotland, simply, knowing that it is the place of his ancestors orirgons. Like many others, tradition and culture of those gone before is lost, only to forge new ones, and a new foundation and a different sense of belonging.