Topic: Traditional marriage has outlasted its relevance
Introduction Paragraph
Love is not finding someone you can live with its finding someone you can not live without. Hence the manifestation of an all powerful and binding union name marriage. The Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary defined marriage as “the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband and wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law”. Scriptures from the bible states that marriage is a holy and divine established covenant. Traditional marriage is when a man and woman decide to legally recognized their union no matter the place the ceremony is held. For centuries marriage has been a very public institution impacted by tradition, culture, religion and law. Throughout century the institution of marriage has been changing and continues to change. In today’s society the need for simplicity and situational circumstances has lead policy makers to sanction various kinds of marriages, namely marriages with traditional ceremonies, license marriage and common law marriage which requires no particular ceremony. I strongly support the statement that traditional marriage has not outlasted its relevance. Many religions dictate that all its followers must enter into the marriage contract before the practice of any sexual relation; traditional marriage elevates ones status in the community or at work; traditional marriage promotes economic security and emotional stability in the family unit. Marriage is the only family unit that God endorsed.
Paragraph One
Topic sentence: The Bible dictates that all Christian must enter into the marriage contract before the practice of sexual relations and once married couples must be faithful,
Supporting Detail 1 The Bible advocates that no couple should live together outside the bonds of marriage for this is fornication, a sin in God’s eyes. The
References: Fornication. (1995-2011)., Inc., Ministries. Retrieved from Webster 's Revised Unabridged Dictionary. (1998, February). Marriage. Retrieved from The ‘Lectric Law Library. (2012). Legal Definition of Marriage. Retrieved from Samuel, E., & West, Elder. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Retrieved from Waite, L.J. & Lehrer, E. L. (2003), The Benefits from Marriage and Religion in the United States: A Comparative Analysis. Population and Development Review, 29:255-275.doi:10.1111/j.1728-4457.2003.00255.