vs Traditional retailing
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Mirza Kulenović MBA candidate -‐ 2014 20/07/2014
The constant technological advancement has brought, with itself, a new way of doing business and more precisely retail. Online networking is, today, part of human communication and due to its application the world we live in now is without barriers and borders. The globalization not only changed traditional practices and habits but it also introduced new ways of doing business. New national markets are opened, multinational corporations become more powerful every day and the competition becomes more intense. In this context, electronic commerce (e-‐commerce), represents a revolution in the process of business operations and transactions, introducing a new and innovative way of selling and retailing over internet. Thanks to the increase of the demand for new products, that previously was not even possible to find on the national market, and also to the flexibility granted by online shopping, the e-‐ commerce has had a huge impact on the traditional form of retailing. In the following chapters I will analyze, first, the main characteristics