Traditional and online universities share a common goal, and that is to provide quality education to its students that will lead to career enhancement and a degree of completion; courses can range from certificate, undergraduate and graduate programs or higher.
Traditional universities require its students to commute to and from school or provide housing for those students from other states and/or countries. Students who choose traditional learning have direct contact with instructors, classmates, and other school personnel during their times of need or extra guidance in class.
Throughout a student’s education quest, textbook and other materials must be purchased and when class is missed students must rely on the notes of their classmates for missed information, this can result to even more missed information if the person is a bad note taker.
In addition, in traditional universities students have larger classroom sizes that limit one-on-one interactions with instructors also the knowledge expansion is based on class participation.
Online universities simulate traditional learning through virtual classrooms, this learning style allows for students to adjust their work, personal, and study schedule to fit their needs. Instead of verbal participation online learners rely on typed responses for interaction and this method of participation is ideal for the shy individuals who normally do not participate in classroom settings.
An attractive feature of distant learning is that students to do commute to campus and they have the opportunity to interact with students around the world. Also most online universities provided their students with eBooks and other types of electronic materials required to complete courses.
Traditional and online universities allow students the opportunity to attend college; providing them the same course programs and materials used to complete classes either in a classroom or at their