The traffic congestion in the city gets even worse day by day. One of the Indonesian problems which still cannot be addressed yet is traffic. Indonesian people, especially for those who live in the big city such as Jakarta and Surabaya, experienced traffic congestion almost every day. According to Wikipedia (2012), “Kemacetan adalah situasi atau keadaan tersendatnya atau bahkan terhentinya lalu lintas yang disebabkan oleh banyaknya jumlah kendaraan melebihi kapasitas jalan”. From the statement above, the writer assumed that traffic jam is a situation when car, motorcycle, bus, truck, and other transportations vehicle cannot walk in their normal speed because of road situation. Traffic jams or traffic congestion in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, arises from three basic causes: road traffic factors, vehicle factors, and human factors.
One of the causes that makes Jakarta’s traffic jam so complex is the unequal increase rate of street width and the increasing of vehicle significantly on the private vehicle. Nowadays, Jakarta is crowded by vehicle. Indonesia Transportation Department (2011) released, “The amount of total vehicle in Jakarta are about 4,9 million. It is estimated will increase around 11% per years”. Moreover, in the same year, they said, “The capacity of Jakarta to add the length and width of the street is less than 0,001 percent per year; meanwhile, the increase of automobile is about 10% per years”. From the data above, the writer concludes that the street in Jakarta cannot accommodate the increase of the vehicle per year.
Another cause that makes Jakarta has a complex traffic jam is because of the vehicle factors. Vehicle factors are all factors derived from the condition of passing vehicles on the highway. Those factors can be about type, size, quantity, and quality of vehicles which pass the highway. For example, the amounts of vehicles that pass the highway are enormously much, so highway capacity is insufficient. Of