London is historically exposed to traffic jams. As noted by Leape (2006, p. 1), “by the 1990s, the average speed of trips across London was lower than (sic) at the beginning of the twentieth century – before the car was introduced”. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (1998) stated that within 30 years the traffic speed in London had fallen by 20%. Rising concerns about traffic led to creation of London Congestion Charging Research Program. Regarding to its report, it was firstly proposed to charge £4.00 on vehicles entering central London area (MVA Consultancy, 1995). The second alternative was known as the ROCOL report which was mainly based on area licensing and parking levy. As opposed to the first solution, ROCOL proposed to allow vehicle drivers to travel in the charging zone as frequent as they want without paying at each entrance. Despite of the theoretical
References: Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 1998. “Traffic Speeds in Inner London: 1998” DETR Statistics Bulletin. 98:22. Transport Statistics Division. tats_021875.pdf Leape, Jonathan.2006. “The London Congestion Charge.” Journal of Economic Perspective, 20(4): 157–176. Ministry of Transport. 1964. Road Pricing: The Economic and Technical Possibilities. London: HMSO. MVA Consultancy. 1995. The London Congestion Charging Research Programme: Final Report. London: HMSO. ROCOL [Review of Charging Options for London] Working Group. 2000. Road Charging Options for London: A Technical Assessment. London: HMSO. Transport for London. 2003a. Congestion Charging: Six Months On. London, October. Transport for London. 2003b. Congestion Charging: Three Months On. London, June. Transport for London. 2004. Impacts Monitoring Programme: Second Annual Report. London, April. monitoring-2nd-report.shtml. Transport for London. 2006. Impacts Monitoring Programme: Fourth Annual Report. London, June.