Time to Evolve: New Concepts in Traffic Management
Dr. Dennis Wilson
Time to Evolve: New Concepts in Traffic Management
Rough Notes
But when congestion makes our business sluggish and chokes billions from the economy, it seems a strange policy - and one the government 's own research seems to decry. The first chapter of the Eddington Transport Study, which considered transport 's role in sustaining the UK 's productivity and competitiveness, and was published in December 2006, says: "A good transport network is important in sustaining economic success in modern economies… The quality of infrastructure, and how comprehensive the transport network is, will influence the role transport plays and its contribution to the functioning of a successful economy." (de Pencier, T., 2008)
Certainly, the waste of man-hours and money resulting from cars and commercial vehicles sitting around in traffic jams, whether in town and city centres or on inter-urban highways, is colossal… and stupid. (de Pencier, T., 2008)
Hence, the call not to wait until 2014 but to attack the problem now. Of course, we must make the best use of the roads we have at present - through widening, better junctions, improved traffic management, better information, and all of the rest. But we need more road capacity sooner rather than later. (de Pencier, T., 2008)
The green lobby may be 'anti-roads ', but there ' no getting away from the fact they are essential to ensure the UK 's trade economy prospers (de Pencier, T., 2008)
The traffic flow data used for modeling are obtained from the inductive loop-detectors embedded in the streets of junction… (Ghosh, B., Basu, B., O 'Mahony, M., 2007, p. 181)
Traffic flows were measured using the loop detector mentioned above. If the data obtained was sufficient for the Gosh et al. research if should be sufficient for
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