CONDUCT AREA RECONNAISANCE (17-2-4011) 1. REFERENCES: FM 3-20.98 Reconnaissance and Scout Platoon; ARTEP 17-57-11-MTP Scout Crew and Team Training Plan (Formerly FKSM 17- 13-8-MTP); FM 3-21.8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad. 2. OBJECTIVE: CONDITIONS: The unit is conducting operations as part of a higher headquarters (HQ) and has received an operation order (OPORD) or fragmentary order (FRAGORD) to conduct an area reconnaissance. The OPORD specifies the focus, tempo, and engagement criteria for reconnaissance. Communications have been established and information is being passed in accordance with (IAW) the standard operating procedures (SOP). The unit is provided guidance by the rules of engagement (ROE). It may also have Mission Instructions, such as a peace mandate, Terms of Reference, and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). Coalition forces, noncombatants, government agencies, nongovernment organizations, and local and international media may be in the operational environment. Additional assets may be available to the unit. Some iteration should be performed in an IED environment. | | STANDARD: The unit conducts the area reconnaissance IAW the SOP, the order, and or the higher commander's guidance. The unit gains and reports detailed information on specified areas, objectives, or danger areas and timely information concerning all enemy forces, infrastructure, and terrain within the area. The unit also identifies source information of power / influence and the needs of society as necessary. Reconnaissance tempo enables the unit to complete its mission based on the higher HQ time constraints, information requirements and capabilities of the unit. The unit reports information that answers the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR) using the communications system that allows timely decisions by the commander and his higher HQ. The unit complies with the ROE |