Help ensure that employees have skills to work with new technology.
Help employees understand how to work effectively in teams to contribute to product and service quality.
Ensure that the company’s culture emphasizes innovation, creativity, and learning.
Ensure employment security by providing new ways for employees to contribute when their : jobs change or interests change skills become obsolete
Training is a planned effort by a company to facilitate the learning of employees.
High-leverage training is: linked to strategic business goals and objectives, supported by top management, relies on an instructional design model, and
Benchmarked to programs in other organizations.
Continuous learning requires employees to understand the entire work process, expects them to acquire and apply new skills, and share what they have learned.
This Figure shows the strategic training and development process with examples of strategic initiatives, training activities, and metrics. The strategic training and development process involves identifying strategic training and development initiatives that will help achieve the business strategy. Employees participate in specific training and development activities that support these initiatives. The final step of the process involves collecting measures or metrics. The metrics are used to determine if training helped contribute to goals related to the business strategy. This discussion is not meant to underestimate the importance of “traditional training” (a focus on acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities), but it should alert you that for many companies, training is evolving from a focus on skills to an emphasis on learning and creating and sharing knowledge.
Designing Effective Training Activities
The Training Process
1. Needs Assessment
Organizational Analysis
Person Analysis
Task Analysis
2. Ensuring Employees’ readiness for Training
Attitudes and Motivation
Basic Skills