HCS/341 Human Resources in Health Care
Talesha Magby
September 7, 2012
Training and Development Paper Training and education in the health care field is imperative. This research is explaining the training and education, importance of measuring competencies, process for tracking, and evaluating training effectiveness. Organizations are to become a successful place for their employees and managers as an asset of their people; however, not part of their expense. With managers who want their employees to have the greatest knowledge and skills that the organization can offer employee to have. However, training, and development are almost similar to each other but not the same of a kind. Training is promoting the employees with the skills they need to perform their job duties. Therefore, development is there for employees to move forward in the future within the organization. Consequently, with training, and education so vital in health care is for employees to develop. Training is focus on giving employees the special training and skills he or she needed to performance. Example, there may be new technology that employees have to learn how to use such as, showing or evening an in-services how to work the equipment. Development for employees is to move forward within the organization over the future. Organization that handles health care must continue well-informed on behave of their employees. Education is part of learning skills such as, process through theories, model, and value so that employees may develop and understanding of the training to performance. Education plays an important role in moving an organization toward a culture of service excellence (“Steven & Lee,”2011-2012). When concerning both education and training, managers vital for employees to seek advice, accuracy, and skills employees need for work. If employees does not have the training about new