The Indian sugar industry is a key driver if rural development, supporting India’s economic growth. The industry has inherently inclusive supporting over 50 million farmers Total sugar industries in India are 596 out of which 67 are public sector companies, 157 are privet sector companies and 282 are co-operative societies. Total Sugar Industries in Karnataka are 39, out 2 are public sector companies, 18 are private sector industries and 19 are co-operative societies and one is joint venture. Government enacted the Sugar Development Fund Act and Rules, which provides for levy of per quintal of sugar known as Sugar Development Fund (SDF).
Name of the company THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD.Ugar Khurd.It was established on September, 11, 1939. First crushing was started on April, 21, 1942.
Location of the unit : THE UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD. Ugar Khurd -59131 Dist Belgaum, Karnataka. E-mail:
Workers of the company are divided as fallows.
Permanent workers. 800
Seasonal workers. 600
Total working staff. 1400
Government apprentice trainees. 53
Total staff 1453
Researched has used the following research tools to collect primary & secondary data. The data collected through the sample of 100 respondents. The selection of the sample is purely done on the basis of list provided by the personnel department. The sample researcher used simple random sample techniques to select the above sample
The report studies the different departments of USW Ltd. and the functioning of each department. Hence the objective of this study is: -
1. To see the impact of Training & Development in the organization
2. To know how the training & development