Training Program of Market Access Ltd - Windows Training for Nokia’s Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP)
A report submitted to the Department of Business Administration, AIUB, in part-fulfillment of the requirements of the final examination in Training and Development Course
Spring Semester 2012-2013
Prepared & Submitted By
(Section A)
Selim, Md. 10-17747-3
Course Teacher
Department of Business Administration
Date of Submission
April 19, 2013
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
Table of Content
|Title |Page No |
|Title Page |1 |
|Company Overview |3 - 4 |
|Training Design Process |5 - 18 |
|Training Program |19 - 22 |
|Conclusion |23 |
|Bibliography |24 |
Company Overview
At a glance:
Market Access group is a Multi-local Multinational super mall for end to end business solution.
With a humble beginning in 1999 from a little garage with a very small scale Direct Marketing (DM), Commenced Market Access Providers Limited as its parent company, the Market Access group today consists of several independent Strategic Business Units (SBUs) that are unique and act as a manned with over 210 permanent members and 6000 plus project/contractual staffs, Market Access Group holds the largest business solution company in the country with the clients of Market Access Group Business Units consist of local and multinational companies and various development agencies that are operating in a wide range of sectors including FMCG, Telecom, Banks and various development fields, human resource development, outsourcing, social, health etc.
To be the most preferred business solution provider in the market.
Build strategic business solutions for clients/brands/services ranging from start-up business to mature companies/brands/services.
Develop and maintain sustainable partnerships by adding value in clients business.
Work closely through the entire ‘value chain’ of client and design, develop and execute solutions to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of clients business.
Create a resource pool with diversified expertise in the area of ‘through the line’ (TTL) marketing communications and End to End HR services by recruiting, retaining and developing right people from the leading schools of Bangladesh and abroad.
‘People’ are our key strength with wide range of expertise, vast experiences in the relevant field with outstanding academic background.
An unparallel countrywide and international ‘Network’ through Area and Field offices/branch offices have placed our company to a position where clients can get any services of any scale and magnitude in the shortest possible time at the best possible quality.
‘Diversity’ is the key guiding principle of our business. That is being practiced in everything we do at Market Access Group – be it for resource management or for developing a business solution.
Core Values:
Our organization runs on 5 core values (SWIFT) that are:
(i) Sincerity
(ii) Winning Attitude
(iii) Innovation
(iv) Flexibility
(v) Teamwork
The Market Access Provider Limited (For Nokia’s employee)
Training Design Process
Training Design Process:
In this report we will focus on one of the major activity of HR Department of the company & that is how the company provides training and what types of training program provide to the employees. The training Design process refers to a systematic approach for developing training program. We have used the seven steps in training design process.
Step 1 - Conducting needs assessment:
Conducting needs assessment is the first and foremost steps of Instructional System Design (ISD) and is critical for success. The purpose of a needs assessment is to determine that training is the best solution and indentify what training is needed to fill the skill gap. So its clearly state that to findout the necessity of the training we have to conduct needs assessment. We have conducted needs assessment to identify wheather training is the ultimate solution for increasing the efficiency of Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP) of Nokia or not. By conducting needs assessment company can know wheather the training is the solution or not.
Basically a training needs assessment helps to determine current competency level available in the organization for a specific task, as well as required competency level for the organization. During needs assessment we have also focused on alternative solution beyond the training. But we do not get any alternative solution beyond training. To find out the reasons why training is necessary? We have visited different outlets of Nokia and talked with Brand Promoter (BP) personally. They replied that “actually windows phone is totally new in our country and we do not have any idea regarding these types of phone. So expectations of the customer will be much higher than series 60’s (Symbian OS) phone. To response the customer’s questions definitely we need training.” They also said that they do not have that much skill to deal with windows based phone. That means there is a gap between current competency level and required competency level. We can graphically represent the gap between current competency level and required competency level:
That means a training need exists when there is a gap between what is required of a person to perform their job proficiently and what they actually know.
Training Needs Assessment (TNA) process determines the need for the training; identifies training needs; and examines the type and scope of resources needed to support training. Tools for conducting needs assessment are given below:
Organization Analysis:
Organizational analysis looks at the effectiveness of the organization and determines where training is needed and under what conditions it will be conducted. In organization analysis involves identifying wheather training support the company’s strategic direction, the support of top management & the peers supports in training activity and wheather the resources for training is available or not.
When we have visited the Market Express Ltd we have talked with HR manager and few HR executives about the current strength and skills in their company. We also talked about the possible problems they will face in future. We talked about their resources available in their company. If any training is needed then they will be capable for arranging training or not. But after discussing with them we have identified that they are capable for providing training. Top management also supports the training which is needed. Top management is always focusing on creating knowledgeable employees and the peers and also concentrating on their career development. The Market Express Ltd. considers its employees as important resource because they are the third party organization who are recruiting the employees for Nokia and train them. So it’s clearly stated that their revenue is depending on its employees.
After discussing with them we have identified that there are no alternative solution except training. The Market Express Ltd has sufficient budget and they have intention to arrange a training program for their employees. Their office is well equipped and they have all necessary instrument and equipment such as multimedia projector, hall room with sound system facilities etc. But their trainer is not expert in windows operating system. So they need to hire a trainer from outside. But they can afford the expense for hiring the trainer. We also get the opinion of their trainees who are very much interested to participate in the training program.
Person analysis:
Person analysis analyzes how well the individual employee is doing the job and determines which employees need training.
After discussing with Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP) we have identified that they do not have any idea regarding windows phone. So they need training on windows phone. Basically, it is a duty of Field Representative (FR) to provide the instructions about their (BP) jobs, how to do the job, how to answer the customer’s questions and how to behave with customers. FR also sets the target about sales for BP. If any BP has faced any problem regarding the mobile sets they can directly contact with FR to clarify their doubts.
They also said that only because of less training few FR and BP were bound to switch their job. Recently they are facing few questions regarding windows phone but they are unable to answer those.
So for Market Express Ltd, it is high time to provide training. It is clear that training is needed for Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP).
Task analysis:
Task analysis provides data about a job or a group of jobs and the knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities needed to achieve optimum performance.
In Market Express Ltd, we have found that there is a new technology related problem. We have also talked as a customer with their Brand Promoters (BP) regarding the windows phone but they failed to answer it. We have found the following points which need to improve and should provide training:
(i) FR and BP need clear concept about windows operating system based phone.
(ii) BP has to be skilled to solve some basic problems of the phone.
(iii) FR and BP have to be sharp about the features of windows phone.
(iv) BP has to be expert to operate the phone in front of customers.
(v) FR needs to be alert and having good command when clarifying the BP’s queries.
(vi) FR needs to visit the outlets regularly.
(vii) BP has to be smart and able to understand the customers that really this phone is needed for you.
Step 2 - Ensuring Employee’s Readiness for Training:
Ensuring employee’s readiness for training is the second steps of training design process. After conducting needs assessment we can realize that training is necessary for Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP). To ensure the employees readiness for training we have to ensure first that they have the motivation and basic skills necessary to perform the job. Because willingness is the prime factor to involves someone in the training. At the same time prerequisite skills are also necessary to understand the training and output of the training. For example, if we think about our BBA curriculum there are plenty of courses which are required prerequisite course to open another course such as Project Management is the prerequisite to open Entrepreneurship Development. Now, after visiting the Market Express Ltd and the outlets of Nokia we have find out that to provide windows training they have to be skilled on series 60 (Symbian OS). Otherwise, they will not be able to understand the content of training and unable to add any value. Ensuring employee’s readiness for training can be achieved by following points:
(i) Motivation : Motivation is one of the best technique to get outcome from someone. By motivating the employees we can ensure their readiness for training. At first we will motivate them and realized them about benefits of training.
(ii) Self Believe : After motivating employees we have to established their self believe that they are able to perform the training and it’s not only for the organization but also for their career development.
(iii) Understand the benefits of training : Then we need to develop a mental model regarding the benefits of training. The term mental model refers that established a belief in their mind that benefits of training is only for their career development.
(iv) Awareness of their career interests, training needs and goals : After that we also make them aware of their career interests, training needs and goals.
(v) Understand the effects of work environment : We feel that they also need to understand the effects of work environment. Because today’s generation is totally depends on technology and they are addicted in modern or new technology. But technology becomes unstable in every morning world getting a new technology. So they have to understand the effects of work environment and also have to adopt new technology. Otherwise they will be fallen behind.
(vi) Possess basic skills : To ensure the employee’s readiness for training we have to make them understand that they have the basic skills to perform the training. Then they will be willing to participate in the training and also they will add value.
Step 3 - Creating learning environment:
Learning environment facilitate acquiring knowledge and skills in the training program. Learning environment has a great impact on the trainees. Without a good and helpful environment training became a challenge to the trainees and restricts their knowledge in a certain boundary. It also demotivates the trainees. We are decided the following points to create a good and helpful learning environment:
(i) Meaningful training content: We will make a meaningful training content for the trainees. We will maintain such a sequence for the training program which will helps the trainees to understand easily and they will be interested to participate in the training program.
(ii) Need to know why they should learn: We will make them understand the benefits of the training program and why they need to learn. We will also make them understand that not only organization will be benefited but also an individual trainee will benefited.
(iii) Opportunities for practice: We will provide them enough opportunities for practicing what they have learned. Without any scope of practice they will fail to implement in job. So we have decided to arrange such a learning environment where they will get scope for practice before implementing in job.
(iv) Observe experience, and interact with others : We will motivate them to learn from other by observing the experienced individual. We will recommend them to interact with peers and learn from one another.
(v) Commit training content to memory: We have decided to set our training content such a way which will be recorded in the trainees mind.
(vi) Good program coordination and administration: We have talked with few key persons to coordinate the training program and willing to provide full administrative support.
(vii) Feedback: We will motivate the trainees to provide their feedback about the training program. We will also take in account what they have learnt and what they want to learn.
(viii) Communities of Practice: We have decided to build a group of employees who work together, learn from each other, and develop a common understanding of how to get work accomplished.
Step 4 - Ensuring Transfer of Training:
The use of knowledge, skills, and behaviors learned in training on the job. We have identified that employees are very much interested about transfer of training and top management fully support it. We have identified the following points for ensuring the transfer of training:
(i) Managers Support: After discussing with managers we have identified that there is no objection from manager’s side. Rather they have announced to reward those employees who can successfully transfer their knowledge on the job.
(ii) Peer Support: The term peer support refers that colleagues are supportive, sharing knowledge and also help each other to discover new idea and survive in existing situation. We have also discussed with the prospective trainees about their supportive attitudes. They are dedicated and honest to support any colleagues.
(iii) Work Environment: Work environment for ensuring transfer of training means that positive work setting and scope to implement the knowledge learnt from training. After visiting different outlets we have found that their outlets are well decorated and have enough space to implement the knowledge.
(iv) Scope of knowledge retouch: The term knowledge retouch refers that practice of knowledge learnt from training in the job field or flash back of learnt knowledge. We have recommended that in every outlet they should provide minimum one windows phone for employees practice.
Step 5 - Developing an Evaluation Plan:
Training and development programs should always be evaluated. Typical evaluation approaches include measuring one or more relevant criteria (such as attitudes or performance) before and after the training and determining whether the criteria changed. Evaluation measures collected at the end of training are easy to obtain but actual performance measure collected when the trainee is on the job are more important. Trainees may say that they enjoyed training and learned a lot but the true test is whether their job performance improves after their training.
(i) Identifying learning outcomes: By learning outcomes it means that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of training program. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of training program. In here we can say that after their training whether they are able to get the knowledge about the windows phone thoroughly and able to provide the information to the customers efficiently. (ii) Choose evaluation design: For designing evaluation, factors such as expertise, how quickly the information is needed, change potential and organizational culture should be considered in choosing a design. Effective criteria used to evaluate training focus on outcomes. Trainers particularly concerned about:
• The reactions by trainees to the training content and process.
• The knowledge or learning acquired through the training experience.
• Changes and behavior that result from the training.
• Measurable results or improvements in the individual or the organization, such as lower turn-over, fewer accidents or absenteeism.
After observing several outlets we can recommend that to check the reaction of the employees regarding the windows phone training whether they are happy or satisfy by getting the materials of training and they improve their knowledge regarding the windows phone and can this training able to change the previous or present behavior of the employees. And obviously the result and improvements should be considered to see that whether they are able to demonstrate the training knowledge. If they can’t further action regarding this can be taken.
(iii) Plan cost-effective analysis: It is very important to evaluate the benefits of the training and be able to put that in terms of numbers. Training comes at a cost and therefore any organization would be interested in knowing the return on investment (ROI).
Organizations use different methods to assess the benefits of training in terms of numbers i.e. the profits. There are many costs that are associated with the training apart from the direct and apparent costs. These costs can be described under two headings: • There are costs incurred towards the training needs analysis, compensation of the training program designers, procurement of training material and various media like the computers, handouts, props, gifts and prizes, audio visuals etc. • Then there is another category is costs incidental to the training session itself such as trainer’s fee / salary, facility costs / rental etc. • Finally there are costs involved is losing a man day of work (for those who are sent for training), travelling, boarding and lodging and training material that cannot be reused in some other training program. In this case we can recommend that the cost for the training must not be exceed the budget of the organization that is made for only training and development program. And it should be included in the main corporate budget. In windows phone training program the organization should consider the cost for the training for all employees and what benefits the organization can get from them. The organization should plan cost effective analysis. If the cost of the training program become more than the actual benefits from it then the organization should redesign the program to make it cost effective.
Step 6 - Selecting training method:
While selecting training method we tried to find the way which will help to fulfill our learning objectives with right environment. In our training program at first the trainer will clearly brief the trainee what they are going to learn from this training program. Trainer will directly communicate to the trainees. We will go for traditional training method. Trainer will use microphone, computer, slides, hand notes, videos in the training program.
➢ Training methods-
• Technology based learning
• Simulators
• Coaching/mentoring
• Role playing
• Films & videos
• Lectures
The trainer will make the trainees comfortable to learn and ask questions about the topic. The trainer will show professionalism during the training program. He/she will make sure whether every individual trainee understands his/her lectures. Our trainer will actively involve the field representatives (FR) and brand promoter (BP) to learn about the new technology which has just arrived in Nokia. Trainer will give the trainee the direction, share his/ her experiences with trainees, increase the knowledge and make them ready for Nokia. Our trainer will develop the leadership among the trainees and make them aware about their responsibilities.
The trainer will more focus on films and videos. Videos will show them the inner pictures of hand sets and how the technology works. Demo hand sets will be provided to every trainee so that they can follow the instructions and apply it at a time. It will help to clear their concept at a short time.
Step 7 - Monitoring & evaluating the program:
Program monitoring is a systematic documentation process generally involves program performance related to program process, program outcomes or both. Evaluation is a process of looking closely at a program and determining its merit, worth and value. Evaluation also enables decision makers to make judgments’ about the program, improve program effectiveness, and/ or inform decisions about future programming. Evaluation is required for the trainer or organization as well as trainee. Evaluation of trainee is very important because it compares the pre-training and post training condition.
Our training evaluation will involve both-
• Formative evaluation
• Summative evaluation
In Formative evaluation our focus will be satisfying the trainee by ensuring a smooth, well organized training program. Information will be collected through questionnaire or interviews.
In Summative Evaluation we will find out the changes that whether trainees have acquired knowledge, skills, attitudes or other outcomes described in the training program.
There are some training outcomes to identify the effectiveness of the training program. We will use following-
• Cognitive outcomes: Employees should know the principles, techniques, and processes of training program. We will take short quizzes for it.
• Skill based program: On the job performance will be measured to know the skills levels and behavior. Field representatives will be asked to rate the brand promoter to identify their skill in certain problems.
• Sniper call: Sniper call is a sudden phone call to the employees after training to ask any solution of a problem or to know anything regarding handsets promptly. It will help us to identify what they really learned from the training program.
• Monitoring and evaluation matrix: It is a matrix including input, outputs and outcomes, monitoring and evaluation data, source of information, who is to collect data and when, reporting tools, who report to whom and when.
• Results: The service quality is improved or not, turnover rate is reduced or not, production is increased or not every thing will be measured through questionnaire, data from information system or performance records.
• Return on investment (ROI): Our training program should produce a significant return on investment. So we have to compare the cost of the training program and the benefits of training program as well as return on investment from the training program.
We will analyze the pre training and post training condition. By comparing the outcomes will be listed. If we see improvement is greater than pre training then we will be confirm that our training program is successful and this training is responsible for the positive change.
Training Program for the Field Representative (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP) of Nokia’s employees
Market Access Provider Limited
Course title: “Training on Nokia Lumia 520 to create the knowledgeable employees in the competitive market”
Audience: Field Representatives (FR) and Brand Promoter (BP).
Learning objectives:
➢ Employees will be able to adopt new technology.
➢ Employee’s efficiency on work will be increased.
➢ Employee will be knowledgeable on the competitive market
➢ Employees will understand needs of customer and their level of satisfaction.
➢ Employees will be motivated towards work.
➢ Employees will be satisfied with their job.
Materials & equipment:
▪ Laptop, computer and multimedia projector
▪ Nokia Lumia 520 handset
▪ Video clips and audio clips
▪ Lecture notes, brochures
▪ White board and Marker
▪ Pen, paper, pencil etc
|Instructor |As per management decision |
|Location |Own training place |
|Number of employees |30 employees (08 x FR and 22 x BP) |
|Time | One day (09.30 AM -7.30 PM) |
Training Schedule (09:30 AM to 07:30 PM)
|Time |Lesson outline |Topic |Training Materials |
|9:30 AM |- |Reporting of the trainees |Register signature |
|10:00 AM - 10:15 AM |Basic Skill Test |Entrance Exam |Pen & Paper |
|10:15 AM - 10:30 AM |Opening Address |Welcome speech by Head of Training Department |Lecture |
|10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |Introduction |* Trainers introduction |Lecture/Video |
| | |* Overview of the training program | |
| | |* Benefits of the training program | |
|11:00 AM - 11:30 AM |Tea break |
|11:30 AM - 12:00 AM |Structure of Nokia |Design of Nokia Lumia 520 |* Video/Lecture |
| |Lumia 520 |Design |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
| | |* Dimensions | |
| | |* Form Factor | |
| | |* Display and user interface | |
| | |* Keys and input methods | |
|12:00 AM - 01:00 PM |Features of Nokia |How to control hardware, software and applications of Nokia Lumia |* Video/Lecture |
| |Lumia 520 |520 |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
| | |Hardware | |
| | |* Connectivity | |
| | |* Data Network | |
| | |* Memory | |
| | |* Power Management | |
| | |Software and applications | |
| | |* Features personal information management | |
| | |* Business Applications | |
| | |* Software platform and user interface | |
| | |* Other applications | |
|01:00 PM - 02:00 PM |Problem solving |How to solve the hardware and software related basic problem. |* Video/Lecture |
| |session | |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
|2:00 PM - 2:30 PM |Lunch Break |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
|Time |Lesson outline |Topic |Training Materials |
|2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |Features of Nokia |How to operate communications, device security, sharing and |* Video/Lecture |
| |Lumia 520 |internet of Nokia Lumia 520 |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
| | |Communications | |
| | |* Email and messaging * Call Management | |
| | |Device security | |
| | |* Security | |
| | |Sharing and internet | |
| | |* Browsing and internet | |
|3:30 PM - 4:00 PM |Features of Nokia |How to operate navigation, photography and Environment of Nokia |* Video/Lecture |
| |Lumia 520 |Lumia 520 |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
| | |Navigation | |
| | |* GPS and navigation | |
| | |Photography | |
| | |* Main camera * Image capturing | |
| | |Environment | |
| | |* Environment features | |
|4:00 PM - 5:00 PM |Features of Nokia |How to operate music, audio & Video of Nokia Lumia 520 |* Video/Lecture |
| |Lumia 520 |Music and audio |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
| | |* Music * Music format | |
| | |* Video and audio recording * Radio | |
| | |Video | |
| | |* Main video camera | |
| | |* Main video camera features | |
|5:00 PM - 5:30 PM |Tea break |
|5:30 PM - 6:00 PM |Review |* Summary |* Video/Lecture |
| | |* Question & answer session |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
|6:00 PM - 6:15 PM |Exam Session |Quiz |Pen and paper |
|6:15 PM - 6:45 PM |Practice session |Simulation test |* Trainer act as customer |
| | | |* Nokia Lumia 520 handset |
|6:45 PM - 7:00 PM |Feedback session |Feedback form will be collected from trainees |Pen and paper |
|7:00 PM - 7:15 PM |Result & Awards |Result announcement and award for best result |- |
|7:15 PM - 7:30 PM |Closing Address |Closing speech by Head of Training department |Lecture |
Effective manpower is the important element for a successful company because employees help to generate revenue. Market Access group provides Nokia effective manpower. Nokia has to compete with many other competitors in market. So they need skilled employees who can provide best services to the customers. Nokia’s success depends on its handsets but to ensure the best services to the handsets training of field representatives and brand promoter is essential. The training will make effective employees surely if we can provide the training as we designed. Because we designed the training program keeping in mind how the trainees will understand the topics. How the objectives of this training program can be achieved after brainstorming we got that. Then the seven steps of training program are maintained carefully to design an effective training program. Needs assessment shows us many clue what to do and how to do. At last monitoring and evaluation of training program shows the way whether training program is successful or not. Nokia’s windows phones are new in market. So the new technology and its upcoming problems or new facilities would be the learning issue of the trainees of Market Access Group.
Bibliography :
Raymond A. Noe (2012-2013), Employee Training and Development, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, International Edition.
Gent, Michael J. and Gregory G. Dell 'Omo. "The Needs Assessment Solution." Personnel Administrator, July 1989: 82-84.
McGehee, W. and P-W. Thayer. Training in Business and Industry. New York: Wiley, 1961.
Figure 1 : Expected Competency Level – Available Competency Level = Gap (Adopted from Cole 1997)
Required Competency Level
Available Competency Level
Expected Competency Level
Windows based OS phone’s skills
Series 40 (Java OS), series 60 (Symbian OS) phone’s skills & how to deal with customers
Training Pressure Point
Organization Analysis
* Support for training?
* Sufficient resources?
* Fit with strategic objectives?
Person Analysis
* Is it a training problem?
* Who needs training?
Task Analysis
* Identify task, skills, knowledge and behavior.
Figure 2 : Training Needs Assessment Process
Bibliography: McGehee, W. and P-W. Thayer. Training in Business and Industry. New York: Wiley, 1961. Figure 1 : Expected Competency Level – Available Competency Level = Gap (Adopted from Cole 1997) Gap