The Campus Recruitment database project has been specially designed to handle the recruitment needs before the start of recruitment. This project can be considered as a digital diary with many other features embedded in it. This project is used to keep records of candidate, companies and colleges and provide other useful information. The main emphasis is given about the candidate record. In this project we store the all information undergoing at the time of campus recruitment program .There is mainly three users are company, collage and candidate. company comes in the collage for recruitment and the collage organize the campus recruitment program for the candidate .The company contact to the TPO of the collage for the recruitment and collage give the notice in the. Newspaper for the recruitment program for the candidate knowledge. This is also used by the company see the previous performance of the candidate. There are a lot of companies, which are taking recruitment for candidate .They chooses the candidate on the basis of the different skill. The company can recruit the candidate for the different jobs. It is hoped that with all the characteristics the project will be found useful to the all recruitment companies as well as candidate and college.
We are making this project to overcome the problem of tpo and company and candidate in the campus selection process we are providing the three user in this project first tpo login who can maintanethe whole record of college and student. Second login of company login and third login is student login. This will beneficial for Take complete record of the college about its name and address of it. Maintaining record of the contact person for a particular college. Maintaining records about all the company which is comes for taking