There is lots of controversy going on about should the trans fats be banned by the government or not. On one side are people who are for ban of trans fats, while their opponents think that they should not be prohibited. What are the trans fats? Are they really bad for our health, should they be replaced with another substance and why there are so many people against them? Producers have the power over us, as well as opportunity to put trans fats into food in small amounts, without our knowledge and labeling it as ingredient. That’s why government should be the one who will regulate it.
Trans fats are also known as unsaturated fats and they are obtained by chemical processing. It can be found mostly in vegetable oil, cookies and margarine. Also they affect on our health by increasing level of bad cholesterol and decreasing of good cholesterol. By rising of bad cholesterol we are more susceptible to clogged arteries that can cause heart attack or even a stroke.
Advocates say that trans fats shouldn’t be banned by the government because they didn’t ban tobacco which is also dangerous for health and that all they should do is to educate consumers as they did with tobacco. They think that by raising of nutrition awareness consumers will stop using trans fats by free will, as tobacco consumers did eventually. What they didn’t say is that to reduce the tobacco consumption took 50 years. Furthermore, they didn’t stop smoking because it was bad for their health. Most of them quit when the government began to enforce the law against smoking in public institutions and only than came to significant drop in tobacco consumers. While in this case many consumers won’t or don’t have time to read the ingredients label on each product article.
Good example of why should trans fats be banned by government are the restaurants. In restaurant chef knows of what ingredients his food is consist of and does it have trans fat or not. However, so far I didn’t been in a