Transcontinental Airways (TCA) Reservations Loading
1. Using the Integer Programming template, staff the center as efficiently as possible for a full week. Start by determining the averages and standard deviation of each day's data and then the 95% upper limit. This 95% point will be the RHS for the calls needed to be answered each day.
a) Enter your DATA from PHONE.xls for your GROUP# into the worksheet WEEKLY and determine the averages of the phone calls for each day of the week, the standard deviation, and the upper limit (UL) of the 95% confidence interval (UCL) for the data to provide a 95% probability of service (UCL=avg+z*stdev). Why do some of the values in the data turn light purple and peach (not how, but why)? Light peach represent the highest and lowest values of hours worked per week for the TCAT call center. Explain why TCA wouldn't want to just satisfy the average, and why they want 95% upper confidence interval. Because of the standard of deviation there is possibility that avg calls per day could be greater than the avg. By having Print the data (A1:R9) with row/column borders.
b) Complete the template WEEKLY filling in the missing formula and data. The shading indicates when a shift is ON. c) Complete the Solver setup by adding the INTEGER constraint for the variables and run. HINT: You can only use integer (whole people) so look at the options in the Solver constraint. Print a picture of the Solver setup (not options) here.
d) Print out the model and variance graph and comment on the results. How much money do you save TCA from the current number of FTs and PTs? (show how you computed original cost). Save the ANSWER report and print out the first nine rows. We saved TCA a total of $1280.00, from their total current cost of $10,920.00 The original cost was computed in a three step process: First Step: Take the $15 Hourly wage