Question 1. How is the initial material being researched and developed at significant stages during the process of creating drama?
Once convinced we had chosen our self fulfilling prophecy for our devised play, the first thing to research was schizophrenia, a severe mental disorder characterised by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence and physical agitation. It is classed as a ‘thought’ disorder and is more common in similar types of people within similar social factors. Social factors are most commonly social isolation, living alone, unemployment and the issue of separation from parents. We also researched Dissociative Identity Disorder, a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition where a person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities. Multiple personalities are established, legitimated, maintained and altered through social interaction. Many people in the past have claimed to have more than one identity or self and have learnt to behave as if they are first one identity and then a different identity. We wanted to combine both of these diagnoses to create one diagnoses, a girl who sees real scenes in life the way she wants it to be viewed and who also acts differently around different types of people. At first we planned to show a young girl who thinks she is delusional and therefore becomes delusional and begins to hallucinate and see other people and possess different personalities which is where the rest of the group would come in and play the characters that she could see in her head and we see at the end of the play that she is in a psychiatric ward. We found out that the film ‘Shutter Island’ had a direct reference to our play and so used it as guidance for our plot.
Question 2. How effectively are you personally exploring and developing your role(s)?
My central character, Jimmy, is a heroin addict who is from a poor background which