Leadership theories have been created during the last several decades in order for people to gain a further understanding about the leadership phenomena. Theories are used to not only explain the different leadership styles, but also on the effectiveness it has on their followers and the company as a whole. One leadership style I find to not only be an effective theory but probably the most successful one is transformational leadership. According to Daft (2011) Leadership is, "An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purpose" (p. 5). In the same book, Daft (2011) defines Transformational Leadership as, "leadership characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in followers and the organization" (p. 362). From both definitions, it can be understood that leadership and transformational leadership are closely related. In the following paragraphs, there will be further analyses of transformational leadership and its accuracy and relation to leadership. Leadership styles progress as individuals observe the leaders in their own lives, such as relatives, teachers, role models and bosses. As people evolve into their own leadership style they approach their teams in various ways. There are some leaders who give incentives to their team members in order to motivate them and there are others who focus on being hard on their team members by punishing them for errors. Transformational leaders motivate team members by sharing their energy and passion with the team. Transformational leaders are the most effective leaders for many reasons. Transformational leadership was developed originally for political leaders by James McGregor Burns in the late 1970’s, it was then fervently implemented in business leadership world. There are four components to transformational leadership which are charisma or idealized influence, inspirational motivation,
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