A transformational leader is a leader who motivates their followers to create a change and through that process transforms the individual as well. The leader and their followers share a greater vision to foster change for the greater good of the community. A pseudotransformational leader is a type of transformational leader who is promoting values that do not align with what the majority considers moral and right. They care very little for other people and inspire their followers to become hollow shells …show more content…
Hitler leads with passion and was trying to create change to support his values, but by doing this he tortured and murdered millions of people. Hitler could have such an impact because not only was he committing the acts himself, but he also inspired others to do his work for him. He had an amazing talent to motivate people. Unlike Ellen Degeneres who encouraged her followers to realize the impact their actions were having on the good of the community, Hitler didn’t give his followers any opportunity to reflect on their actions. By working quickly and giving strict instructions, Hitler eliminated independent thought in his followers because he knew that is they stepped back and looked at the larger picture of that they were doing they would realize what a monster he was and he would lose his power. Hitler's leadership was both inspiring and threatening to the welfare of followers because he sang praise to the Germans, his main body of followers, and told them they were superior at the time when the rest of the world was punishing them. Hitler gained support from his followers by giving them hope for the future of their country. When his campaign escalated into mass murders, the followers were too far invested to see what was truly happening causing them to become consumed in the violence and the