1. The author of Transforming Defense Dr. Conrad C.Crane was born on the 22nd of January 1952 in the United States of America. Dr. Crane joined Strategic studies institute after retiring from a 26-year military career that concluded with 9 years as Professor of History at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. A former Professor of History Dr. crane holds a B.S from the United States military academy (USMA) and Ph.D from stand ford.
2. He is currently the Director of the US Army Military History institute and is one of the foremost experts on the history of strategic bombings. He previously served with the Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) …show more content…
In this book author Dr Crane goes on to say, in the chapter 1, that present day officers in the armed forces may not appreciate the greatness the transformation the cold war imposed on the US Army and now they emphasized that the cold war has ended the army’s next transformation may be a return to its historic role of 'Homeland defence.
8. In this 2nd chapter highlighted, having no big war after the collapse of Soviet Union to fight and no major external threat too. The US armed forces were extremely busy in the 1990's with diverse missions that frequently sent the American military personnel far from home for a wide range of diverse, and complex operations outside the country - mainly in the western side an forced in the zones if the Asian continent.
9. in the chapter 6 and 7 stayed about the United Kingdom’s and Ukraine views of U.S. Army Transformation. As per the Chief of staff for the UK army he emphasized they always sit along with the US when comes to the integrated transformation. Furthermore he highlighted everything matters with how dollars invested for future war …show more content…
The 10 authors namely Patrick Allen, Roger Brown, Chris Demchak, David Jablousky, Leslie Lewis, Brin Macallister Linn, W H Moore, Leonid Polyakor, Frank Shubert and Douglas Stuart highly qualified in their own spheres' of education gives a wide collection of philosophies and contributions to the American Military Transformations.
15. Many a times repeating themselves in these various issues such as Criticizing the American political leadership and use of military power, the army's evolutionary and revolutionary process, in their handling of ground and air troops in various spectrum operations and doctrines
16. The conclusion about America's military transformation is that America should not become too complacent about or too dependent upon either higher technology or does not lose its perspective as it faces challenges of transformation which will result risks for future forces and the ability of the component parts of a system to operate successfully together. And it stresses that America should work together now to identify problems in the human as well as the technical dimension in order to maximize the Army capabilities in the future.