“Viable Vision: Transforming Total Sales into Net Profits is a book for anyone responsible for increasing the profitability of their business. Gerry Kendall combines the theory with real life examples of its power to transform complex problems into clear, common sense executables that will increase the profitability of your business. If you think the complexities restrict the future success of your business, then you’re about to be enlightened.” —Patrick J. Bennett, Executive Vice President Covad Communications “As senior managers we seek but seldom find the silver bullets that will lead to exponential growth for our companies. In Viable Vision, the author wonderfully presents proven tools with actual business cases that when applied will identify the invalid assumptions preventing our organizations from clearly seeing the significant opportunities that lay before us.” —Paul G. Waring, Jr., Corporate Controller Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company “Elements of the Theory of Constraints have been very successfully utilized to generate sustainable improvements over the last decade. Viable Vision: Transforming Total Sales into Net Profits highlights how these tools can be leveraged at the strategic level of business. It is a real opportunity for most of us to better understand and simplify strategy.” —Yvon D’Anjou, President Alcan Primary Metal Group, Quebec South & USA “In Viable Vision, Gerry Kendall drives home the point that the more complex the problem, the simpler the solution must be or it will not work. By applying TOC principles as a CEO, I have achieved organization alignment and successfully transformed a utility, a utility services company, and a regulator and took a telecom company public. Viable Vision: Transforming Total Sales into Net Profits expands the understanding of TOC principles and provides simple solutions that work.” —Kim Allen, MBA, P.Eng., CEO/Registrar Professional Engineers Ontario
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