Someone who is transgender is also referred to as someone who sees themselves as the opposite sex then they were biologically given. Through out the years, being transgender has had many controversies. Today in 2017, being transgender is becoming more and more common and more accepted then before. Just like being a female or male, transgender’s also go through communication differences like anyone else would. They want to fell like they are …show more content…
A 45-year-old female, transformed to a male, came into the offices for a lesion. He had been on testosterone for 10 years and the staff was unfamiliar with transgender health issues (). While taking vitals, his blood pressure was elevated more then it should be, and this was due to the use of testosterone. This proposed a question on the right way to approach the patients need respectfully. Transgender’s are often discriminated against, in the outside world and discriminated in the health care system. Within the health care system, patients do not have the correct documentation to identify with their gender. One study reported that 26 percent of transgender patients had been denied medical care specifically because of their transgender status (). Transgender’s have the same medical needs as any other patient, and should have regular check ups and regular screenings, especially if they have been taking hormones. Communication with patients are an important and they way that physicians need to word specific questions needs to be considered to make them feel like they are being taken seriously more then being