HMD402 - 1004
Topic: Transgender.
Only some Americans might be aware that a present transgender employee is protexted against any employment discrimination because of his or her status as a transgender. What is gender? Gender is the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones) [1]. Transgender is an umbrella term for a person whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not match to what typically associated with the sex to what they were assigned as at birth [2]. There are two types of transgender, male to female and female to male. Gender identity is defined “as a personal conception of oneself as a male, female or both. The concept …show more content…
One case that relates to our industry, is when a transgender man K.S, who works at a resort spa as a massage therapist who is in the middle of transitioning from male to female, was requested by his employer to massage a client who requested for male massage therapist. K.S, has reluctantly asked his employer for a new name tag (male to female). But, his employer denied K.S with a new name tag unless K.S obtained a court order name change or gender change on his driver’s license. Under K.S’ rights under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made it illegal to discriminate based on gender. According to Transgender Law Center Staff Attorney Matt Wood, “Cases like this one are becoming increasingly common and show the significance of TLC’s recent victory in the Macy v. Holder EEOC decision. K.S. lives in a state where there is no explicit state law prohibiting gender identity discrimination in employment. Because of Macy, K.S. was able to show his employer that federal law protects transgender workers and prohibits the company from treating him differently than other men in his workplace. I’m proud we were able to help empower K.S. as well as the more than 2,000 transgender and gender non-conforming people who contact our legal helpline every …show more content…
Everybody should be allowed to express himself or herself in any gender identity they find most comfortable and best fit. They should be allowed to live an authentic and whole life without being judged. Being in a more accepting environment, such as a workplace would reduce the amount of stress of hiding their identity which would result in an increase in productivity, develop a more genuine relationship with guests for being