I wish we could live a world everybody treated equally regardless of their gender choices. I was watching Tv. the other day I saw a transgender woman, Susan, lives on the street because her family was embarrassed by her and they disowned her. She had a really difficult childhood. What happen is she felt extremely
alone and she started using substances on the streets. That made me think why people pushes transgender people away? Is it because they are not straight or is it because they assigned in birth a male and they didn’t feel to be a male or they assigned in birth a female and they didn’t feel to be a female. It’s not fair for transgender people. If it was my son who assigned in birth as a boy and decided to be a woman, I would never push her away it’s because she didn’t follow the cultural norms and it’s because she was assigned a gender by no choice. I would support her and love her unconditionally the way she is. Why is it too hard to accept people however they are? Susan wasn’t lucky as Anderson-Minshall who was assigned at birth as a female but he was raised as a boy. He was a tomboy while he was growing up and his parents didn’t mind if he was a girl or a boy; they accepted him either way. Why everybody can’t be like that. I thought about how Susan grow up. What kind of difficulties she’s been through while she was growing? Was her parents mean to her? When she wanted to wear a girl clothes, what did they do? Did they force her to act like a boy? Since they didn’t accept the way she is, I bet they were really mean to her. I am sorry Susan the pain you felt and you feel, and the world you live is unfair.
We have to be more sensitive instead of reacting. We have to think about the impact about our actions. Transgender people are also humans, they are also have feelings and all are they really need acceptance. It’s not that hard to accept people however they are regardless of their gender. If we accept them, we’ll have a happier and progressive society. To be accepted by a society would allow them to get over difficulties. If they is more acceptance, we won’t see many of them have been abounded by their family and friends. Media also have a major influence on acceptance to transgender people. We have to use the media to put them in positive and respectable roles in the society. Goldberg states in her essay that she will not call a male “she” and we must not call him a sister. This is ridiculous. No! We have to call them a sister, it’s because they are our sisters. The most important thing is the way they feel.
Come on people we can have a positive impact on the world by accepting transgender people however they are. No judging! No abounding! Just acceptance!!