Implementation Phase of
Communication Assets Project (CAP)
Sandra Manchor
University of Phoenix Abstract
This paper discusses the implementation phase of the Communications Assets Project (CAP) Software Configuration Management (SCM). CAP is an interoperable communications inventory software package. The project manager for CAP has asked for an analysis for software configuration management. This paper includes the six major activities: coding, testing, installation, documentation, training and support. This document is a discussion on the transition from the design phase to the implementation phase. Implementation
"In the implementation phase the system is constructed in a series of iterations where each Use Case and component is coded, tested and integrated into the overall system. This phase is performed iteratively following a time line that accounts for all resources and costs" (SCM, 2004). The following six activities are discussed in the subsequent sections: coding, testing, installation, documentation, training and support. Many benefits are seen when using defined and repeatable processes: clarification of roles and responsibilities, clear definition of procedures, demonstrate standards are being met, the same steps can be used to define other processes, and improvement in product design.
"Changes shall be implemented into the code and unit testing and other appropriate software quality assurance and verification and validation processes shall be performed" (Ecco, 2004). Coding will be performed in small increments to ensure the validity of the new system. Small modules will enable SKM to provide CAP with pieces of software which will enable them to test as each piece is coded. The design document will be used continuously during coding to ensure all requirements are met.
Coding in modules also ensures reusable code. As the company 's
References: Ecco, Tomoye. (2007). DAU - Defense Acquisition University. Phase 4: Implementation. Retrieved July 8, 2007, from MySQL. (2007). MySQL Documentation. Retrieved July 8, 2007 from, SCM Technologies (2004). Systems Integration. Retrieved July 8, 2007, from