Extra-curricular activities can allow the child/young person to try out a wide range of activities that are not open to them during normal school hours or to gain additional skills and knowledge in the subjects/activities that they are particularly interested in.…
Extracurricular activities have a large impact on the academic performance of a high school student. Getting the right amount of study time is essential to being successful in school. However, most students are participating in extracurricular activities. This directly correlates to the grades of each student. If a student is involved in a school-related sport, then it will affect their academic performance negatively.…
Akos, Patrick, and John P. Galassi. "Middle and High School Transitions as Viewed by Students, Parents, and Teachers."Professional School Counseling 7.4 (2004): 212-21. ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection. Web. 11 Oct. 2013.…
* Studies have shown that children involved in extracurricular activities achieve better grades than those who are not, and these activities often teach them lifelong skills and build character. Extracurricular activities are also important for those who plan to attend college. Colleges often look at the…
With life there is always change and you will always have to know how to adjust and how to do it quickly. One of those changes being the transition from middle school to high school. The transition is not easy but needs to be taken seriously. Focus on grades but do not let them control your life. You cannot slack off and think your grades are just going to automatically be what you desire them to be. A large amount of effort comes into play with all of the changes happening around you. There will not only be changes within school but also within yourself. How you used to think will no longer be how you think now, how you view people will be different, and even who you hang out with will definitely see change. As you get more knowledgeable about different aspects of life, your priorities will begin to shift in good and bad ways but no matter what kind of shift happens, for me personally, there will be some type or stress and anxiety attached to it. You cannot stop the changes so…
Most freshmen are encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities because it is a means for socializing and exploring. It also broadens your horizons especially when entering the workforce. Majority of jobs not only look for academic students but well rounded ones. Therefore when choosing an extracurricular activity ensure that it has value and a purpose in your future. On the contrary, ensure that you are not taking on too many activities at once because they could become overwhelming. Some activities require a lot of your time, for example sports, and may result in injuries that can cause you miss classes. Indeed, this can affect your grades and determine when and how you graduate. Also, some of these activities may become overbearing with funds. As we all know, college is not cheap therefore each college student should find his or herself on a budget. You should write a list detailing your monthly expenses and try your best to stick to it.…
Are you going into middle school? Are you intimidated by the older kids and larger homework loads? Well don’t worry because I’ve already been through it and as long as you follow the tips in this guide you’ll be just fine. Middle school is difficult but it's also exciting. When you’re in middle school your worldviews change, everything you thought you knew about school is questioned. Everything and everyone seems different no matter how familiar they are. All these drastic changes can be overwhelming for new students but, the most important thing to remember is that is isn’t as scary as you think it is. If you form good study skills, learn how to be social, and follow my personal advice I promise that you will make it through middle school.…
Transitioning from the middle school to the high school was definitely a hard task to do. I was constantly worried about getting lost, and not being able to find my way around. When I first arrived at the high school, I was very intimidated by the size of the high school and a number of hallways and classrooms in the building. It took me multiple days to actually get used to the building and where my classrooms are located. But, now it has been a few months since transitioning the to high school, I feel like I know the high school very well and where everything is located in the school.…
Graduating elementary school is an exciting mile stone, but then comes middle school. Middle school is a very tough place for most people. Hormones start to kick in and work load gets amplified. Drama takes over the school and learning how to balance it all is a skill. With these new emotions its difficult to balance both friends, relationships, and school work. There are a lot of new challenges a student has to take on, but with a few key tips, middle school may be a bit easier to get through.…
Before beginning high school, you are required to pick levels that you feel comfortable with that correspond with the school-picked courses. You also have to choose three elective classes. Any of these classes could include Art, Chorus, Intro to Family and Consumer Science, Accounting, Graphic Presentations, and many more. All of your chosen classes receive a letter grade, just like middle school, but the required classes are picked according to your academic capability. For example, if you are the type of student that does not do well scholarly, you would choose a level three class. This option is a great way to do better in school. Also in high school, there are more extracurricular options. High school offers a numerous amount of clubs and sports. From soccer and swimming to ping pong club and French club. If any of the extracurricular activities don’t interest you, you even have the opportunity to create your own club with the help of a teacher. In middle school, your classes are already selected and you cannot change them. These classes are mandatory, just like high school, but everyone learns at the same level. This can be a disadvantage for students who take longer to process than others. Also, in middle school, you cannot create your own clubs. The sports and clubs the school provides are your only selections.…
High school is a place totally different from Middle school. High school is a place where it would be the best or worst four years of your life, and maybe change who you are. I remember in middle school I would be very outgoing and not care what people thought, but for some reason I do care now.…
Before I entered high school, I thought it was going to be easy. I now realize that I was very wrong. I thought I would hardly ever get homework and that I would have tons of time to relax at home. I didn’t realized it would be so much work. I will tell you what you are enjoying now in middle school and how high school is compared to all the things you get to do.…
My change from middle school to high school was very scary because high school is a bigger school than middle school. The things about high school that scared me were the hallways, people, and how difficult it was going to be overall. In the middle school there’s wo big hallways, one little band hall, and a tiny gym right outside so it’s not hard to get lost. The high school is a different story there’s two big hallways, classes outside on the hill, the band hall, and the event center. The sophomores were nice, the juniors and seniors weren’t so nice and it never changed over the years. I know senior year hasn’t finished but I don’t think it’ll be better than my freshmen year, because I’ve been stressing every day since this year started. All…
How Middle School Changed Me. I have most definitely changed since middle school started. Personally, it was a big change in my life. I have experienced many things through my middle school years. I’ve learned from my mistakes and matured.…
The main problem for everyone changing from middle school to high school is adjusting. Countless orientations, changing the curriculum to be more difficult, and having alumni speak can only do so much to prepare us for the big first day of high school. No matter what, adapting to a new school and environment with tougher teachers and new people is sure to be a major challenge…