When I first came here …show more content…
I dipped my toes in the water and didn’t quite get used to the feeling of being in Middle School. I was meeting so many new people and wasn’t ready for the days to come. Also were were the small fish in a big pond. I remember us running through the halls so we wouldn’t be late to our classes and us struglling to open up our lockers because we had combinations. As 6th grade progressed we calmed down and got used to our shcedules. I became more familiar with my surroundings and was friends with a whole bunch of people. Personally for me I was drowning in more homework than I usually had. The grades were starting to annoy me. As some of you may know me I worry about everything. Whether it comes to having a billion tests I have to study for or just getting to class on time, my fear always takes over me. As the years have progressed I realize how much I have changed throughout the years. I can definitely say that I’m not the best at making friends that's for sure and I’m too busy laying at the bottom of the surface not wanting to get out and be noticed by the world. Sure when I first came here you could have called me a fly on the wall, a small innocent little girl who was so focused on living the future that she forgot how to live in the present. I was the one worried about college when others were playing a pickup game of basketball.
In 7th grade I became more comfortable with the school and friends. I glided through the year as it progressively got harder, but I still excelled, kicking my way through all the challenges that came in my way such as me not making the basketball team. When I look back at what I have accomplished in 7th grade I have to say I didn't do too bad. My schoolwork was exemplementry and my grades we doing very well. I started to push myself further as the year progressed and tried my best to be at the top of my classes. At home my parents kept pushing me to do great while my brother continued to antagonize me and nag me for everything. I was drowning in worry and misconception. I had best friends at my side who would help support me through everything and lifted my spirits out of the water. Swimming through the water at a slow steady pace helped make me feel safe and hopeful. I knew that it would only get harder from here, but continued to persevere. Finally I stopped pulling on the lane line and let go. I went independent and tried my best to live my life as fully as possible.
Well now I have just finished 8th grade the most interesting year of them all.
All those high school entrance tests tore me apart. My classes became significantly harder as I was moved up to different levels. I look back at times were I would break down because the work was so much where I couldn’t even remember my own name. The year progressed very quickly though and soon enough half the year was gone. Each day the school seemed to be getting smaller and smaller as I was swimming at a much faster pace now that I was used to everything. I made a ton of new friends, but also came across a time where almost all of them were gone. I couldn’t tell if it was me being too worked up and angry all the time, or not being that fun. I’ve still got some friends now and I realize how much I’ve grown over the years. I’ve gotten so much more comfortable in my surroundings and is a much better person then I was before.
But the quote I always go by as I went through tough experiences is, “"When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming."
Junor High has taugth me a lot about being a better person. I know that they have greatly prepared me for what the future might bring. Sure some of us think highschool will kill us with the overload of work, but the teachers oculdn’t have done a more wonderful job for preparation. I know that I’m not really ready to take a larger step into the future, but there’s no where else to go. I mean when we were coming to Junior High for the
first time I know I really didn’t want to go into a bigger school. But the quotes I always went by as I went through tough experiences