CHFD 215
Assignment 2
March 29, 2015
There are multiple things that a new father can expect when expecting a new baby. Such as, what changes can the father anticipate after the baby arrives, does the arrival of the new baby cause significant marital strain, how can fathers support their partners during and after the transition to parenthood, how might additional births affect the family system, what changes in roles, schedules and finances might the father expect? And what will new fathers find most difficult about the transition to parenthood?
What changes can the father anticipate after the baby arrives? The father may develop some anxiety because all that personal time you had is now gone. He may feel like he has no power …show more content…
Mothers tend to do more of the child care than the fathers do. Make sure when you take turns in caring for the child it is done as a choice instead of a chore. Share the responsibility. When you get home from work take the baby for an hour or two to give your partner time to herself. (oneplusone, …show more content…
Your older child might have some issues with you bringing home a new baby. The attention that was put on your eldest is now adverted to your new baby. Set aside time for just you and your older children. Show them that they are not going to be forgotten because of the new baby. Implement a family night even if it a movie that you watch together after you put the baby to bed. (Volling, 2013)
What changes in roles, schedule and finances might the father expect? Your schedule will totally change. The new baby will take more time and effort than you are used to. You will get less sleep. But when you think all hope is lost your baby will get on a sleep schedule and you will gain a little of your time back. Your wife will lose a lot of sleep too, what was once your time will become baby time and or sleep time. (Parker, 2015)
What will new fathers find most difficult about the transition to parenthood? “The first thing an expectant father can do to be prepared for his new role is to admit that this is uncharted territory (at least for him) and that he might need to ask for help.” (Shipmen, 2013)
Now It is not going to be easy. Nut you will get used to having your new baby. Just stay calm and slow