تهدف الدراسة إلى سبر أغوار التعبيرات الاصطلاحية ثقافيا الخاصة بلغة ما في بعض الأجناس الأدبية في رحلتها من نقلها إلى لغة أجنبية ثم عند ردها عن طريق الترجمة إلى ثقافتها الأصلية، فكأن فعل الترجمة في هذه الحالة يحدث نتيجة عملية الدمج بين المتلازمات النصية كمثيرات تتفاعل مع التعبيرات الكامنة في ذهن المترجم الذي ينتمي لذات ثقافة النص المنقول إليه، ويحدث هنا أن ينتقل الإحساس بأصالة النص المترجم إلى ذهن القارئ. Translating The Forty Rules of Love: The Fall of the Wall between Textual Colligation ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬and Conceptual Blending
Nagwa Younis
Ain Shams University ‘The dot underneath the B embodies the entire universe.…’ …show more content…
The case is here of a text that is written in English by a Turkish-American author, revolving around a blend of the story of Jalal-uddin El-Rumi, a Muslim Sufi poet who lived in the thirteenth century, that is parallel to the story of an American house-wife living in the twenty-first century. The source English text is pregnant with translated verses of the Holy Qur'an and Islamic Arabic expressions and concepts. Both translators belong to the Arab Muslim …show more content…
Distinct mental spaces are combined in accordance with some shared content or structure. The two spaces are brought together (“blended”), with selective projection taking some information from each input to mental space integration assumes that there are different mental spaces (ideas associated with a given situation) that can combine in specific ways to create new meaning. Distinct mental spaces are combined due to some shared content or structure. New structure and new information are recruited (perhaps from long term memory) to complete the blend. One can let the blend “run”, i.e. let the newly developed idea be elaborated upon. Emergent meaning arises as the results of this elaboration are connected by backwards projection from the blend back into at least one input space, perhaps both compose a blend. New structure and new information are recruited (perhaps from long-term memory) to complete the blend. One can let the blend “run”, i.e., let the newly developed idea be elaborated upon. Emergent meaning arises as the results of this elaboration are connected by backwards projection from the blend back into at least one input space, perhaps