Moskvitina A.V., stud., Superviser: Vakurina N.A.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Modern mass media have triggered the distribution of the international advertizing activity. Nowadays, the translation of advertising has become not only necessary but also the daily phenomenon of life of the world community. Thus, the knowledge of theoretical bases of the process is not only an indispensable condition, but also the quality assurance of the translation. Like other production of the mass media – newspapers, magazines, TV programs, broadcasts, advertising is materialized in the form of the ready media text. And the concept “text” with the reference to the sphere of the mass information is used not only for a designation of an actual text verbal number, but also gets lines of dimensions and multidimensionality including such important for media production components as a visual number in its graphic or television embodiment, and also an audio number in the form of a product. Therefore, the concept “the advertising text” concerns not only a verbal number, but also includes a set of all linguistic significant components, somehow: schedules, images, sound, etc. where the concrete set depends on a mass-media-carrier. Such interpretation of a concept ‘the advertising text’ finds the reflection in works of many English-speaking researchers, in particular, in Angela Goddar 's The Language Book of Advertising which writes: “The word ‘text’ here (as applied to advertising) is used in its widest sense, including visual artifacts as well as verbal language”. While translating advertising texts it is necessary to consider the purpose of the advertising message, the character of the consumer, the language qualities of the text of the original, the cultural and individual possibilities of the language in the cultural aspect of the consumer and many other things. Translation of texts in advertising can be defined as close to
References: 1. Добросклонская, Т. Г. Вопросы изучения медиа текстов. – М.: МАКС Пресс. 2000. 2. Чаган, Н. Г. Реклама в социокультурном пространстве: традиция и современность // Маркетинг в России и за рубежом. 2000. № 2. 3. Dyer, G. Advertising as Communication. – London. 1995.