For example, UberEats is another great feature offered by Uber. [11] UberEats is an online food delivering service that allows customers to order food from local restaurants in selected cities. [11] It is expected that Uber will further broaden their range of services provided, such as providing a “Shop for you” services. What do I mean by that? Imagine Uber is helping you to do shopping at some local shops and deliver it to you. Now you don’t have to walk down the street just to get the things that only sells in some local shops which do not provide delivery service. For example, running out of grocery while you are preparing the dinner. With just a push of the button, Uber will send nearby users to buy you the things you need. Although supermarket and some shops do provide delivery services, a very high delivery fees are usually incurred. Also the terms and conditions are to be followed accordingly, such as goods will only be delivered when a minimum spending is reached. It usually takes a long time before the goods is delivered as they are in bulk. With reasonable amount of cost, Uber will save you so much time and efforts. However, this is just an expectation we can derive from Uber. To make this service available, many time and efforts have to be put into research to tackle all possible technical …show more content…
However, the great benefits it brings to the society cannot be unseen. Nothing is perfect in this world, therefore the negative consequences are inevitable, it is the extent of the consequences we are concern about. It is true that Uber might be a threat to the traditional cab drivers. This is not entirely harmful to the society as this might force the traditional cab drivers to improve their quality of service or adopt latest technology to improve their competitiveness. For the safety issues, apart from the original drivers pre-screening done by Uber, Uber can make the potential drivers to go through crime psychological test and eliminate the potential criminals. The consumers should also have some general knowledge about crime prevention, such as avoid travelling to deserted area alone during late hours by using