The first strength that related the movie to my MRP topic was that it talked about the difficulties doctors and employees at abortion clinics are facing. This is a serious issue for pro-choice people right now. Since 2010, state legislatures have passed more than 250 laws restricting abortion clinics and their doctors.(6) These are called TRAP laws (see intro) The movie describes how some states are basically letting politics trump medicine. Which is a good …show more content…
The worst thing they have to deal with is all of the they have to deal with is all of the emotional repercussions. They can be worried, sad, or even scared before and after the procedure. A woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information designed to discourage her from having an abortion, and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. (9) From the pro-choice perspective, that is unfair. Women already go through enough emotional pain about the decision from friends, family, and even strangers outside abortion clinics protesting day and night. This relates to my pro-choice MRP topic because women wouldn't want to use abortion as a form of birth control if they had to deal with all of that