Here are 10 points you can discuss why travel is a waste of time. Read the points than elaborate the discussion and argument on the subject matter.
1. Travel is expensive. Flights, accommodation, trips and activities all cost money. And eating out all the time must drain the finances, apart from places like SE Asia, where you don’t know what you’re eating anyway. Staying at home allows you to save money that can be put to more sensible things, such as a home, a car or investment in your own future.
2. Travelling damages your career. Those who embark on long-term travel are giving a finger to the conventional world and showing their lack of commitment to a stable career path. How can you be taken seriously for a promotion where you insist on taking all of your holiday allowance and then use it to go to the other side of the world, where you can’t be reached if a client needs your help?
3. Travel destroys the environment. All those flights emit a lot of CO2, and it does make a difference. What’s so wrong with your neighbourhood that you have to pollute our planet just to get your kicks?
4. Travel doesn’t actually teach you anything. If you’re the kind of person who’s smart enough to learn the lessons from your experiences on the road, you’d have learned them at home too. If you haven’t got an open and curious mind at home, being somewhere else isn’t going to suddenly alter your cranial capacity.
5. There is no need to travel anymore. Want to know what the Taj Mahal is like? There are thousands of images, videos and articles online and in books. You can also watch many travel TV shows about your place of interest. Others have been there and done it, so why not save yourself the hassle and just follow their trip from the comfort of home.
6. Travel is dangerous. Heard about all these plane crashes? Kidnappings? Suicide attacks? Coach crashes? Tsunamis? Earthquakes? Need I go on? It’s a dangerous world out there. Your time