The Article, The Treadmill of Consumption, written by James A. Robert speaks of the issues of capitalism and how it has become a rampant social part of American culture. In this reading his uses the ethos appeals with the history of “Keeping Up with the Jones,” and how it the ideology, has been a credible and evident truth in the United States since the 1900. The pathos appeal to all the millennium generation with the need to have the latest and greatest phones in addition to customization and personalization is huge part of the market. The author speaks of how the market is to make you feel as it is for you while they are truly selling to …show more content…
a much greater scale. Truthfully the market in which we shop is one that encases the felling of individuality within the majority.
The author speaks of Consuming for Status an idea that is affecting all.
The author uses the pathos appeal towards the relatability to satisfy social needs such as keeping the with the best things even though you may not be able to afford them. This is an idea that is very dear everyone that is found to be driving a nice car or has nice things in their house that they can’t afford because the availability of modern credit. The car itself is meaningless as the cars we buy do the job of transporting us regardless of the name or accessories, which are faux paus to the driving necessities. The realization that money is truly no longer a physical concept that we can grasp as it. Money only has the value on to which we all give it worth and assign it as if we no longer honor the money that the government gives the people then the governments money truly loses all its power and
The other article, Commodify Your Dissent, touches on how we are found to be in a place of paradox and stuck in a system in which the counter-culture and the pop culture are sought after marketing groups. The campaigning methods of ads are discussed with their strong pull at to stand out or be a so-called rebel in today’s culture. This article uses many relatable pathos appeals to be the credibility to power their ethos appeals which can sometimes further support their logos. Regardless the consumer based market of today is chasing after all appeal to the buyer and greatly follows the uses of classical argument but pull you in and letting you go with a pathos appeal and using the ethos and logos appeals as approached to latch the grabbed customer. The dangerous reality of the power that the marketing people who create the commercials is often overlooked and ignored by the everyday American creating a need for awareness of medias effect on us.
Overall my idea of consumerism has grown to be more and more cautious of myself and what I find myself spending money. I see my idea and beliefs of consumerism has greatly become more of an inevitable and unavoidable issue in todays. Consumerism used to be the idea that we can all achieve wealth to have thing but the older I have got I have learned that consumerism is the cause to materialize. With materialization no one can find happiness because happiness is not buy able but comes within self and the things are just empty promises of joy in which American has fallen victim too. American needs to return to the values of relationships, experience in memories as no matter where life takes you, you can always bring these with you.