An interpretation such as a gendered reading can be built up through the use of the reading strategy of personal context, which is relating in certain aspects to the characters in the text or the situation of which the characters find themselves in. Personal context can be used to build a gendered reading, because being a female in the 1950’s was difficult enough, never mind being a female immigrant to Australia. Maria was the first of the Bianchi’s to move to Australia, and therefore one the bravest of her family. Using the opinion of a female, one would relate to Maria, if they were to be an immigrant themselves, they could relate with Maria when she says “Not quite the same, is it? I mean, out here, it's a new world..” Richard Beynon uses this comment to relay to the readers the difficulties of having to leave ones home because of terrible circumstances and move to another country where the inhabitants are prejudiced, racist and completely against their heritage, to make a better life for herself and her family. A gendered reading can be built by personal context in this circumstance if one were to be in the same or similar situation.…
Hansberry’s creation of a passionate feministic persona, dictates the unconditional determination one must posess in fulfilling their aspirations. Doubting the probability of success, society presents itself as a hinderance to one’s motivation, due to gradual influence and development of gender typecasts.”I couldn't be bothered about that”, submits the ideal attitude of remaining persistant and unsusceptible to the surrounding sterotypes, revealed through Beneatha’s rebellious…
This allows Anna to develop more confidence in her knowledge and become a stronger, more assertive woman. When Elinor calls for Anna's help to deliver Mary Daniel's child, she is at first hesitant to assist because her own mother died during childbirth when she was just four years old. Elinor insists, however, telling Anna that "You know a very great deal more than you think you do" and eventually, Anna gives in and prepares to deliver the baby, recalling memories from her own first confinement to help her. Anna tries not to think about the fact that she is about to "invade the body of a living woman", however she quickly overcomes this thought, and tries to "...quiet that part of my mind hammering away about modesty and violation." Although she is unsure of what she is doing, she acts as though she does, as she thinks it important that Mary sees her acting confidently. Once her hands were inside of Mary, however, it seemed as though her flesh "felt as familiar" to her as her own and Anna has little difficulty in helping her deliver the baby. Afterwards, they laughed and "for an hour, in that season of death," they celebrated a life. This particular event sees Anna developing a part of her that is confident and sure of her own knowledge and skills. Due to her experiences in birthing livestock, Anna is already equipped with the skills necessary to assist in childbirth but there exists a different part of her inside that is naturally gifted in midwifery and it is this part that truly allows her to shine and take control of what she can do thus leading her to discover her natural confidence and…
Moritz asks Melchior whether he thinks "the sense of shame is simply a product of upbringing." Spring Awakening does not question the reality of shame; instead, it raises questions about its uses, effects, and place in a community or family. The similarities and differences between women and men are explored throughout the play. When the girls discuss whether they'd rather have boy or girl children, when Melchior and Moritz wonder whether girls feel the same urges they do. Overall, the theme of gender in Spring Awakening explores how differences are perceived through the lens of gender, and how divisive these ideas of difference can become. Several different kinds of authority figures are represented throughout the play: religious authority, state authority, parental authority, medical authority, and personal authority. Most of these authority figures are undermined, shown either to be corrupt or at least incompetent. However, personal authority often leads to no better - and indeed, often even worse - results. Melchior and Moritz go wrong when they attempt to act completely…
<br>Janie is a Black woman who asserts herself beyond expectation, with a persistence that characterizes her search for the love that she dreamed of as a girl. She understands the societal status that her life has handed her, yet she is determined to overcome this, and she is resentful toward anyone or anything that interferes with her quest for happiness. "So de white man throw down de load and tell de nigger man tuh pick it up. He pick it up because he have to, but he don't tote it. He hand it to his womenfolks. De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see," opines Janie's grandmother in an attempt to justify the marriage that she has arranged for her granddaughter (Their Eyes 14). This excerpt establishes the existence of the inferior status of women in this society, a status which Janie must somehow overcome in order to emerge a heroine. This societal constraint does not deter Janie from attaining her dream. "She knew now that marriage did not make love. Janie's first dream was dead, so she became a woman" (Their Eyes 24).…
In the first paragraph of the first page, the novel differentiates between women and men. There is a clear fundamental difference that slowly starts to build the background of the society. The passage manages to foreshadow the novels concerns; that men can never reach their dreams, while women are able to control their desires and choose to chase their dreams. This is represented by comparing the dreams and wishes of men to ships. Ships that never dock, but yet never out of sight, which reveals that men leave their dreams to chance. Their dreams are never quite reachable, as they are lost at sea. The sea represents a void of people’s hopes and dreams. “Never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men.” This quote explains that men’s dreams are never reachable as time increases until death takes over. The author then compares the men with the women. That woman’s memories are selective. They follow their dreams and make them true. Women’s dreams are often realistic as they are the truth. That is the first difference that the author establishes in the novel. This passage foreshadows the confined concerns and burden of women’s role in the society. The author making Time, sun and skins personified, like a mythology. “The sun was gone, but he had left his footprints in the sky”. The sun represents Tea cake’s life, that the sun is gone and so is Tea cake’s life, but he leaves an impact in Janie.…
Throughout the story of Winter’s Bone, most women are being diminished because they are abiding gender roles. The women closest to Ree, Gail and her mother, are in marital relationships. Her mother, who is nearly brainwashed and cannot function on her own, is described as “a Bromont, born to this house, and she’d once been pretty. Even as she was now, medicated and lost to the present, with hair she forgot to wash or brush and deep wrinkles growing on her face, you could see she’d once been as comely as any girl” (6). This quote shows how marriage affected the life of Ree’s mother in a detrimental way. Before, she was lively and “comely”, but now she’s “medicated and lost to the present”. She also adds numerous chores to Ree’s life such as washing and brushing her hair. In addition, Ree’s dear friend Gail who is married at a very young age cannot make independent choices like Ree can. Unlike in my house, Gail’s husband Floyd has the final say in any decision to be made. For example, Ree asks Gail to borrow her family car, but Gail needs to first confirm it with her husband. When Floyd says no, Ree, puzzled, asks Gail why not. Gail…
“When they told me that my new-born babe was a girl, my heart was heavier than it had ever been before. Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own (Jacobs 77).” Quoted by Linda Brent (Harriet A. Jacobs) in Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl, she describes one of the most important contributions to the literature of slavery and to me the one major theme that comes from this passage, understanding the emotional anguish of…
Whereas Gloria Steinem suggests that a call to action is greatly needed if we plan on changing the status quo, Martin, on the other hand, argues that the secret to improving our lives can also be found in language, which I agree completely. As can be noted in the text, by describing that an egg merely “drifts” through the fallopian tube while the sperm travels in a great “velocity” can subconsciously send the message that, even in biological terms, women are still weak and fragile while men are strong and powerful. As was also described in class, the penetrating aspect that “occurs” when the sperm binds to the egg, I thought, was a great observation because it reveals that in almost any context, the penetrator is still viewed as the strong while the one getting penetrated is viewed as the weak. Moreover, I think it is also important to point out that once medical texts began to reveal some of the true, unbiased processes that are needed when fertilizing an egg, as was seen in pages 492-493, one really can begin to see the power shift from the sperm to more of an equal, cooperative effort between the two. While some may argue that changing the gendered language in our medical texts won’t make a difference, I would argue otherwise because having the egg and the sperm play an equal role in the process of creating life can undoubtedly teach young girls and boys that they are equal in all areas, even in biological and reproductive…
It has always been said that both nature and nurture are the main ingredients in shaping a person’s behavior for the rest of their lives, like the meats and the cheeses to your favorite sub sandwich. Deborah Blum seems to think that not only do these things greatly effect human behavior but also gender identities. She gives the reader a new perspective on nature and nurture, arguing that it is way more than just nurture that paves the path of gender roles. Blum’s essay “The Gender Blur: Where Does Biology End and Society Take Over?” does a great job convincing the reader with it’s incredible use ethos, slight use of pathos, and so-so use of logos allowing it to be determined as a successful essay.…
According to Gatson Hall, “there is also an effective contrast between the black help as breadwinners in their families and middle-class white women unhappily unemployed as a result of prejudice.” (Hall, H. Gatson 2) Kathryn Stockett demonstrates the injustice in the gender roles by proving that the women are unhappy-ily unemployed. This leads you to believe that women are treated as less than men creating the unhappiness as described by Gatson. Another example of injustice in the gender roles is when Mrs. Celia Foote says "oh, we're gonna have some kids. […] I mean, kids is the only thing worth living for." (The Help 33) Mrs. Celia says this with the firm belief that the purpose of her and all the other women is to reproduce and carry on the family name. This shows the harsh mistreatment of women in the society. This stress of continuing a family name is not harshly enforced on the man because he is not the one required to hold the baby for nine months. Mrs. Celia was experiencing problems with miscarriages and she became extremely burdened with the responsibility of continuing Mr. Footes family name. This situation created a contrast in the gender roles of the…
The reading The Five Sexes, Revisited was about the misrepresentation of today’s two-sex system in society. The central issue Anne Fausto-Sterling addresses is that there are people born outside of dimorphism and most people do not understand this (pg. 122). The most important point or central argument is that the two-sexes, male and female should no longer be accepted. Instead, five-sexes should be accepted: male, female, “herms”, “merms”, and ferms” (pg. 121). An important fact the author makes is, “…we calculated that for every 1,000 children born, seventeen are intersexual in some form” (pg. 122). This bit of information proves that there are infants born between the sexes male and female. It is important for people to realize that mixed babies are in existence. Anne Fausto-Sterling also shares a story of a born intersexual. “Consider for instance, the life of Max Beck: Born intersexual, Max was surgically assigned as a female and consistently raised as such. Had her medical team followed her into her early twenties, they would have deemed her assignment a success because she was married to a man. Within a few years, however, Beck had come out as a butch lesbian” (pg. 124). It all comes down to society and this story proves it. If the world were more open to these sex issues, then we would not have these issues in the first place. In Max’s case, being born intersexual would not have been an issue in Max’s life. Instead, the doctors chose Max’s sexuality without any consent from Max. Another interesting fact that Anne Fausto-Sterling uses to back up her argument is “The logical structure of the commonly used terms “true hermaphrodite,” “male pseudohermaphrodite” and “female pseudohermaphrodite” indicates that only the so-called true hermaphrodite is a genuine mix of male and female…Because true hermaphrodites are rare – possibly only one in 100,000 – such…
Q. What does Rosalind’s disguise suggest about the fluidity or fixity of gender in the play?…
To begin with, she gives a brief history of two parents, Susan and Rob who sent an e-mail to parents of their son’s classmates in preschool. It says “Alex has been gender fluid for as long as we can remember, and at the moment he is equally passionate about and identified with soccer players and princesses, superheroes and ballerinas (not to mention lava and unicorns, dinosaurs and glitter rainbows).” they explained that Alex had recently become inconsolable about his parents’ ban on wearing dresses beyond dress-up time (Padawer, 1). When Alex was 4, he pronounced himself “a boy and a girl,” but in the two years since, he has been fairly clear that he is simply a boy who sometimes likes to dress and play in conventionally feminine ways. Some days at home he wears dresses, paints his fingernails and plays with dolls; other days, he roughhouses, rams his toys together or pretends to be Spider-man. Even his movements ricochet between parodies of gender: on days he puts on a dress, he is graceful, almost dancerlike, and his sentences rise in pitch at the end, on days he opts for only “boy” wear, he heads off with a little swagger. Of course, had Alex been a girl who sometimes dressed or played in boyish ways, no e-mail to parents would have been necessary; no one would…
Throughout our lives, society attempts to place rules on us as to who we are and who we will become dependent on whether we are a boy or a girl. We must decide ourselves whether to accept these rules and follow the image society has set for us based on our gender, or whether to go against these rules and create our own self-image of who we want to be. In Alice Munro’s “Boy’s and Girl’s” Munro shows that a person’s experiences and relationships will influence whether or not they will conform to these gender roles. In this story, the young, unnamed, female protagonist tries to create her own self-image but is overcome by the pressures of her family to follow these gender rules. Throughout the story, Munro uses symbolism of foxes, horses and bedtime stories to portray the theme that the gender roles society has set for us are limiting the lives of women.…