Treasure Island is an amazing adventure, one that everyone dreams of since childhood, is the quest for a secret treasure in a distant island. A brave boy, among good and bad pirates, within the exotic setting of a mysterious island, is the protagonist of one of the most famous stories for the young.
This story isn't as simple as many other childrens books. That could relate to the fact that it is a more enjoyable story for the preteens than the nursuryaged children.
Jim Hawkins runs into a lot of trouble and dilemmas. This is of course necessary for a pirates story. If none of all this happened, it would simply be too boring. Jim is on a long journey. This kind of tale makes it almost impossible to lose interest because something happens all the time. It would simply just be a bad story if he Stevenson wrote like this: ”They walked up the hill. Then they walked some more. They found a treasure. The end.” It is the whole journey that contains the action.
As written earlier, Treasure Island is more for the older children. The fact that there are many adults in it describes it well. Jim is both the narrator and the central character of the story, which means that we follow his personal view of events from his encounter with Billy Bones at the Admiral Benbow Inn to his departure from Treasure Island on the Hispaniola (Which is the ship). The only exception is Chapters 16 through 18, when Doctor Livesey takes over as narrator to fill us in on events that Jim isn't present to witness. But Doctor Livesey and Jim have surprisingly similar types of observations, so it doesn't feel like a jolt to move from one narrator to another. The use of language in Treasure Island is always appropriated to each speaker. For instance, Long John Silver speaks his own language, has a ‘pirate’ popular style of his own (he uses idiosyncratic phrases such as “you may lay to that”) and the language becomes his identity
The storyline isn't really that