My first idea is to have more student teacher competitions, like a water balloon fight or dodge ball game. There could even be a student teacher basket ball game or softball/baseball game. We have a lot of fundraisers at this school, but some people aren’t really into them and don’t help. One idea I have for a fundraiser is to have each homeroom collect cans, and whatever homeroom collects the most cans gets to try to dunk their teacher into a dunk tank. Another idea is that there could be slideshows that could be shown during lunch. I have a lot more ideas for the school year next year, and if I am voted for treasurer, theses ideas and others could happen. Vote ------------- for treasurer.
Vote for me for a great school year, and every vote I get will be appreciated. If I win, I plan to change things at our school. Everyone wants to leave their mark on things, and I want to leave my mark on this school. If you vote for me I plan to make this school more fun and exciting. Vote for me so the year will be filled with those moments that take your breath away, that you measure the rest of your life on. Vote --------------- student council treasurer for the 2010-2011 school year. Thank